...of the U.S.A. the biggest bunch of sore losers in the history of the planet? I mean when the dinosaurs saw the comet coming they didn't whine as much. When witches were being burned at the stake they were less whiney ass bitches than the modern Left. Jews rounded up by Nazis didn't whine like our sore losing Leftists, and they had every right to. Did Russia help Trump win? Nyet! But whiney ass bitches say da! Letting air out of a balloon slowly doesn't produce as much whine as sore loser Democrats. Shame shame shame!!
i agree i think it is pretty lame and frankly dangerous all this hate towards russia considering you guys are almost nuking each other. did they influence the election? probably. a lot of countries influence alot of elections and america is the number 1 negative influence on elections around the world. so i think restricting the debate to "did russia influence our election?" and not talking about anything else is childish, ridiculous, and I wouldn't expect any less from the dopey MSM.
some questions that should be asked about what really influenced the election:
-what effect did money have on the election and do we even live in a democracy?
-what kind of voting system do we have and what do other developed western countries have?
-what influence did the DNC have on bernie sanders campaign and did they kill it?
-how did the MSM bias influence the election?
-how does corporate control over the debates influence the election?