Why is the Left...


Well-Known Member
You used the Holocaust as a punchline, not me. Pointing to other atrocities to defend yourself? Why? Did I somewhere suggest that somehow the Russian suffering was somehow less? No. You're caught in idiocy again, van. Give it up.
I did not use it as a punchline. I'm showing how the Left's shrillness is even worse than some of the most horrific scenes in history, to listen to them. You're the one that's towing the politically correct line here. Which I pointed out is hypocritical because you folks never talk about all the other victims of that war. Heck you folks go out of your way to avoid saying anything about Muslim terrorism because it's the politically correct thing right now to get as many Muslim refugees into this country as possible. And many Leftists go so far as to say Christians are just as bad, which is ridiculous. Political correctness is just mind control. People should speak their minds.


Nine Lives
I did not use it as a punchline. I'm showing how the Left's shrillness is even worse than some of the most horrific scenes in history, to listen to them. You're the one that's towing the politically correct line here. Which I pointed out is hypocritical because you folks never talk about all the other victims of that war. Heck you folks go out of your way to avoid saying anything about Muslim terrorism because it's the politically correct thing right now to get as many Muslim refugees into this country as possible. And many Leftists go so far as to say Christians are just as bad, which is ridiculous. Political correctness is just mind control. People should speak their minds.
FOX would be proud of you.


Inordinately Right
I did not use it as a punchline. I'm showing how the Left's shrillness is even worse than some of the most horrific scenes in history, to listen to them. You're the one that's towing the politically correct line here. Which I pointed out is hypocritical because you folks never talk about all the other victims of that war. Heck you folks go out of your way to avoid saying anything about Muslim terrorism because it's the politically correct thing right now to get as many Muslim refugees into this country as possible. And many Leftists go so far as to say Christians are just as bad, which is ridiculous. Political correctness is just mind control. People should speak their minds.
What you did was make a long winded rant about how the Jews need to just get over the holocaust already. LOL, you're fun tonight.


Inordinately Right
Sorry, but that's how you come across.
You come across like drunk uncle.


Well-Known Member
...of the U.S.A. the biggest bunch of sore losers in the history of the planet? I mean when the dinosaurs saw the comet coming they didn't whine as much. When witches were being burned at the stake they were less whiney ass bitches than the modern Left. Jews rounded up by Nazis didn't whine like our sore losing Leftists, and they had every right to. Did Russia help Trump win? Nyet! But whiney ass bitches say da! Letting air out of a balloon slowly doesn't produce as much whine as sore loser Democrats. Shame shame shame!!

What's the point? Seriously what is the point?

This whole left right paradigm is complete nonsense.

The right doesn't really believe in anything. Trump's election conclusively proves this.

Here is an example. I work with a lot of individuals who were cheerleading us into the disastrous War in Iraq. Many many years after it was clear the war was a huge mistake, those supposedly right leaning individuals defending that war for well over a decade with the excuse oh well I still think going into Iraq was the right decision but GWBush botched it.

Trump comes along and not only says the war was a disaster that created ISIL, he says we never should have went to war in Iraq in the first place, that he was against the war before it was fought. In other words, Trump completely supported the "left" position on the Iraq war.

Now after over a decade of staunchly defending that war, these same individuals are silent about Trump trashing THEIR rationale for supporting that war and supporting the "left" position of that war. In fact it doesn't matter to them at all.

It is because supporting the Iraq had nothing to do with policy for those people, it was a signifier that they were the right kind of person. For conservatives policy is irrelevant, the question they care about is who. As in is this a person they see as one of them or is this a person they see as different from themselves. This viewpoint dominates how those on the right interpret policy.

So that's how they could call Obama pursuing infrastructure spending leftist socialism, and cheer when Trump lies and pretends that's important. Again Trump takes the "left" position of infrastructure spending and it doesn't matter to these people.

It's how they can get angry when Obama bailed out the auto industry truly saving and creating a ton of jobs and call that socialism and government shouldn't interfere with businesses and support Trump threatening companies to make business decisions that help Trump look good again a completely leftist position doesn't matter.

The policy positions are irrelevant to those on the right.

So this idea of criticizing the "left" is a joke from Trump supporters.

When time and time again Trump takes the "left" position and these people don't care.

So after this is done, the same people defending Trump will disavow him and call him a clown the same way no one defends the Iraq War anymore.

It is the same way they used to love Sarah Palin and now treat her like a joke.

Conservatives don't really believe much of anything.


Well-Known Member
What's the point? Seriously what is the point?

This whole left right paradigm is complete nonsense.

The right doesn't really believe in anything. Trump's election conclusively proves this.

Here is an example. I work with a lot of individuals who were cheerleading us into the disastrous War in Iraq. Many many years after it was clear the war was a huge mistake, those supposedly right leaning individuals defending that war for well over a decade with the excuse oh well I still think going into Iraq was the right decision but GWBush botched it.

Trump comes along and not only says the war was a disaster that created ISIL, he says we never should have went to war in Iraq in the first place, that he was against the war before it was fought. In other words, Trump completely supported the "left" position on the Iraq war.

Now after over a decade of staunchly defending that war, these same individuals are silent about Trump trashing THEIR rationale for supporting that war and supporting the "left" position of that war. In fact it doesn't matter to them at all.

It is because supporting the Iraq had nothing to do with policy for those people, it was a signifier that they were the right kind of person. For conservatives policy is irrelevant, the question they care about is who. As in is this a person they see as one of them or is this a person they see as different from themselves. This viewpoint dominates how those on the right interpret policy.

So that's how they could call Obama pursuing infrastructure spending leftist socialism, and cheer when Trump lies and pretends that's important. Again Trump takes the "left" position of infrastructure spending and it doesn't matter to these people.

It's how they can get angry when Obama bailed out the auto industry truly saving and creating a ton of jobs and call that socialism and government shouldn't interfere with businesses and support Trump threatening companies to make business decisions that help Trump look good again a completely leftist position doesn't matter.

The policy positions are irrelevant to those on the right.

So this idea of criticizing the "left" is a joke from Trump supporters.

When time and time again Trump takes the "left" position and these people don't care.

So after this is done, the same people defending Trump will disavow him and call him a clown the same way no one defends the Iraq War anymore.

It is the same way they used to love Sarah Palin and now treat her like a joke.

Conservatives don't really believe much of anything.
You say it's all nonsense then proceed to attack Conservatives. Well here's what I believe. I believe the national debt was doubled under the last administration with little to show for it. And it looks to be continuing to grow under this administration. For whatever reasons people are resisting the hard measures necessary to keep us solvent. I believe the last president weakened our standing in the world and the current president isn't doing anything to improve that, although the Arabs seem to like him. I believe the last administration covered up quite a few scandals and only FOX went after them. And because they suffered such a shocking defeat I believe the Left/MSM is taking attacks on this president to extraordinary heights, and certainly a lot of it is payback for attacks on Obama. And I believe the Republicans could've fielded a much better candidate who'd conduct himself in a much more presidential way than this president. Trump got elected by saying exactly what a very large percentage of the electorate wanted to hear, including a significant number of Democrats. Trump couldn't have gotten elected without Democrat support in key states. After he got nominated I supported him because for me even he is a better choice than the crook the Democrats nominated. But Lord what a choice. I believe there's a saying that people get the government they deserve. Well you're looking at it. But it's typical of both sides to say that the other side is this or that. Believe me there are plenty of Republicans who think that the most important thing right now is getting spending under control. And to me at least he's not doing that, just reallocating to different priorities. I hope I'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
You say it's all nonsense then proceed to attack Conservatives. Well here's what I believe. I believe the national debt was doubled under the last administration with little to show for it. And it looks to be continuing to grow under this administration. For whatever reasons people are resisting the hard measures necessary to keep us solvent. I believe the last president weakened our standing in the world and the current president isn't doing anything to improve that, although the Arabs seem to like him. I believe the last administration covered up quite a few scandals and only FOX went after them. And because they suffered such a shocking defeat I believe the Left/MSM is taking attacks on this president to extraordinary heights, and certainly a lot of it is payback for attacks on Obama. And I believe the Republicans could've fielded a much better candidate who'd conduct himself in a much more presidential way than this president. Trump got elected by saying exactly what a very large percentage of the electorate wanted to hear, including a significant number of Democrats. Trump couldn't have gotten elected without Democrat support in key states. After he got nominated I supported him because for me even he is a better choice than the crook the Democrats nominated. But Lord what a choice. I believe there's a saying that people get the government they deserve. Well you're looking at it. But it's typical of both sides to say that the other side is this or that. Believe me there are plenty of Republicans who think that the most important thing right now is getting spending under control. And to me at least he's not doing that, just reallocating to different priorities. I hope I'm wrong.

No offense but none of that stuff matters. No one cares about the national debt, certainly not conservatives. Elected conservatives care deeply about income tax cuts for rich and big business, they care about crafting regulatory policy to favor those interests and they care about military spending because that's a way to boost government spending in their districts and it not be considered government waste by other conservatives.

The rest of this whole mirage of conservative ideology is irrelevant to conservatives none of it matters.

If you care about the national debt why are you supporting conservatives who don't care one bit about this issue?

Again, the big problem with our political system is that we have a huge percentage of Americans who see other Americans as threatening as damaging their nation as not as American as they are, so they support the crap policies of conservatives because they believe those conservative policies will "hurt" those other Americans they see as a threat.

I truly wish this were not the case, but conservatives don't actually believe anything.

Trump is proving this. All of this stuff about being angry at Hilary for profiting off her office and Trump has brought his whole family in on the grift and he is doing it right in front of everyone and conservatives don't care at all.

All of that anger at Obama golfing and Trump golfs more than anyone after saying if elected he wouldn't golf at all and conservatives don't care.

All of that hand wringing about why doesn't President Obama go to church and Trump objectively is the least religious President by far in my lifetime and it doesn't matter to conservatives.

I could go, but conservatives don't actually believe the stuff they talk about.

Again, look at the Iraq War, conservatives defended that war for over a decade and Trump comes along completely trashes that War and now conservatives don't even bother defending the Iraq War.

Its because they don't actually believe in anything. They just view conservative ideology as being exclusionary of certain kinds of Americans and as such they believe that conservative ideology and conservative policies will hurt those Americans they don't like.

This is the ideology that drives this conservative movement for elected officials( who also deeply care about their plutocratic economic policies) and rank and file voters. Again I wish this wasn't so, but Trump has broken damn near every promise objectively already and it doesn't matter to conservatives. He is a liar, a cheater, a fool, uniformed, etc and it doesn't matter.


Well-Known Member
You say it's all nonsense then proceed to attack Conservatives. Well here's what I believe. I believe the national debt was doubled under the last administration with little to show for it. And it looks to be continuing to grow under this administration. For whatever reasons people are resisting the hard measures necessary to keep us solvent. I believe the last president weakened our standing in the world and the current president isn't doing anything to improve that, although the Arabs seem to like him. I believe the last administration covered up quite a few scandals and only FOX went after them. And because they suffered such a shocking defeat I believe the Left/MSM is taking attacks on this president to extraordinary heights, and certainly a lot of it is payback for attacks on Obama. And I believe the Republicans could've fielded a much better candidate who'd conduct himself in a much more presidential way than this president. Trump got elected by saying exactly what a very large percentage of the electorate wanted to hear, including a significant number of Democrats. Trump couldn't have gotten elected without Democrat support in key states. After he got nominated I supported him because for me even he is a better choice than the crook the Democrats nominated. But Lord what a choice. I believe there's a saying that people get the government they deserve. Well you're looking at it. But it's typical of both sides to say that the other side is this or that. Believe me there are plenty of Republicans who think that the most important thing right now is getting spending under control. And to me at least he's not doing that, just reallocating to different priorities. I hope I'm wrong.

This is what another example that conservatives don't actually care about the stuff they talk about.

GWBush inherited a budget surplus and conservatives at that time weren't saying pay down the national debt, they were saying this surplus is proof the government is taxing too much.

So conservatives instituted a massive unpaid for tax cut. Then they spent hugely on unpaid for War on Terror and the War in Iraq and conservatives make zero connection to their policies choices and the budget deficit or national debt increasing.

It is just a meaningless talking point for conservatives.

Because if this stuff mattered, then conservatives would say you know what the unpaid for tax cuts, the unpaid for Wars greatly contributed to the ballooning budget deficit along with the massive economic collapse.

Instead, there is this pretend this phony talking point that oh the budget deficit is the fault of Obama and his spending. It is a fictional position. It is not reality based.

If a person cares about a thing, they want to know the reality of that thing as best they can.

That's not how conservatives discuss budget deficits or the national debt. It is pure fiction or misdirection.

So they don't actually care about it. It is just a thing to say to criticize Obama whom they hate for other reasons.