The birth control issue continues to be a dividing line for people who just dont get it.
The republicans always want to talk about abortion every 4 years, yet, while they have complete control over the white house , congress and senate for 6 years, they DO NOTHING about it. The issue comes up only to get those enticed by it to the polls. Maybe a person could care less about candidates, but if there is an anti-abortion piece of legislation on the ballot, they will come out to vote, and while im here, i guess ill vote for the republican who supports the legislation EVEN THOUGH "HE" KNOWS IT WILL HAVE ZERO CHANCE OF PASSING.
The abortion issue has to remain as it is as it MOTIVATES the right wing base to vote every 4 years.
IF they actually outlawed abortion or overturned roe v. wade, what other political talking point could they use to get people into the voting booths or post on message blogs????
Surely it isnt there handling of the economy or the size of goverment.
That would be a joke.
The only two things left for the right wing political machine is Homosexuals and Abortion.
Unfortunately, those issues are falling on deaf ears this time around.
Every 4 years, the right wing establishment talks about shrinking the size of goverment, YET, every term of a republican president has GROWN the size of goverment including GW BUSH whos goverment is 8 times larger than President Clintons.
GW BUSH has spent more goverment money than all the past presidents combined. Sure, he and those who support him believe it was all a necessary evil to keep us safe, but I say, when a case of coca cola costs the US taxpayer $500 then we are getting the shaft.
For now, this election has brought out all the bleeding heart right wingers who feel for the unborn, yet, on the other hand, want to turn there backs onto them when they apply for welfare because they were born into poverty.
They say "let them live, they are human beings", but they also say "let them starve because the goverment shouldnt feed them if they are hungry". This double standard is one of absurdity.
Not all human beings are born into a righteous life. Some children are born into extreme hardship and suffer for years.
The right wing bleeding hearts need to pick a side, side with life and do everything to see that ALL children are feed, clothed, educated and get medical attention when required or stay out of other peoples business.
Let the almighty be the judge of right or wrong, not a political affiliation.