Wildfire In Santa Clarita, California

Orion inc.

I like turtles
Im the not the only one on the site who uses the phrase "Kool-aid drinker" when referring to guys like you.
First off, I'm not a "kool-aid " drinker. I actually agreed with a few of your points.

Second, you seem to be "that guy" on here that thinks all drivers are just unskilled and overpaid. And you somehow are amazing because you only work 8 hours and you're a mechanic with a superior pension and intellect.

Glad that's working out for you

Orion inc.

I like turtles
I said your pension sucks and you guys need to save your overtime money. I dont work any overtime and completely plan on relying on my pension. Im not sure how you mixed that up.
I could not work another day of OT the rest of my life and still be better off than you I promise.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
If there were loaded PCs in the building someone would just deliver them. Its that easy. You are not irreplaceable. Cut the stress and bull crap out and anyone can do your job. In a situation with no drivers the crap you deal with would end. Delivering packages to customers and making money would be priority.

Alot of irreplaceable union workers thought the same as you, only to take huge cuts at some point. Steelworkers, water companies, electric companies, Hostess workers, auto workers, all irreplaceable, who in the end were replaced or took huge cuts. The only job around me that compare to UPS is one County Sewer Authority job. Everyone else pays for health care and have crappy 401ks with vacation topping off at 4 weeks. We're probably one of the last private companies not to take cuts. How long do you really expect that to last? We'll get our chance on the chopping block. The same block many union workers were on. We wont be the ones who are above it, no one is. Even the UPS driver. Its going to suck for all of us, but its guys like you that live in a bubble who will take it the worst.
And the same could apply to you as well Mr union worker.

You act like you're immune because you're a mechanic. They can subcontract you out a lot easier than us.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
Obviously the only person that cares what you have is you ,probably lacking in another department.;)
Awww you're adorable. All that rage you got against people who aren't a militant angry guy like you.

Tell me again how no one should one guns and everyone is racist towards you just for living their life differently than you.