Well-Known Member
Hey golvols thanks for taking the time to reply. I understand now that you just will not get it. You will probably never understand how the war in Iraq has anything to do with our national security no matter who could explain it to you. I was just trying to understand where you are coming from. Two days ago a fellow feeder driver told me all of our soldiers should be tried for war crimes for fighting in an illegal war so it is all good.
I was going to link the article in the army times that had all the recruiting numbers in it for you but it wasnt up anymore and i know it isnt really worth the effort since you do not really want any truth.Turns out that the Army recruited 5408 soldiers in april which was 108% of its goal marking the 23rd straight month to exceed its goal. The funny thing about the internet is you can find an article somewhere that will prove whatever position you want to take. I once told someone I know that democrats were cowards and he quickly found a speech from Senator Leiberman that proved me wrong. Of course I was wrong. And my point for bringing up my brothers in arms serving in harms way was that they completly do not agree with you. I could have just looked on the internet and found one of several polls that show that the troops support the mission. I know it would be a bad poll or something and I am sure you know cousin bob at camp victory or balad or somewhere else you will say will not agree.
Senior Geek you left out Gen Wesley Clark but you also left out the generals that do not agree with your point of view. I do not like to hear any of these retired officers coming out with their political views during a time of war, but they all have good insight. But when one says one thing and another says the opposite to me it just seems like it is politics. I will have to say that general speak is way way above my pay grade.
And to all thanks for taking the time to read my little rant. I just wish I wouldnt have taken a VBIED so I could go back but no reason to whine about that. I was thinking it sure was nice driving down the road with the only thing to worry about was where I was going to take my 15 minute break.
They only reason I posted in the first place was not to try and pick an online fight with anyone. It just really bothers me when people that dont like our president they want to drag in our troops some kind of way. They will either say that they are taking to long to do their job, or they are commiting war crimes on a mass scale, or they lost the war in Iraq, or well you have heard them all no reason to go through them over and over. I just sometimes take it personal since I have lots of good friends that go to work everyday with body armor on in a place so far away from their familys and they seem to get it. And even though I know why it seems like most of us over here dont understand I still take the snipes at my friends bad but I am working on having a little thicker skin.
I was going to link the article in the army times that had all the recruiting numbers in it for you but it wasnt up anymore and i know it isnt really worth the effort since you do not really want any truth.Turns out that the Army recruited 5408 soldiers in april which was 108% of its goal marking the 23rd straight month to exceed its goal. The funny thing about the internet is you can find an article somewhere that will prove whatever position you want to take. I once told someone I know that democrats were cowards and he quickly found a speech from Senator Leiberman that proved me wrong. Of course I was wrong. And my point for bringing up my brothers in arms serving in harms way was that they completly do not agree with you. I could have just looked on the internet and found one of several polls that show that the troops support the mission. I know it would be a bad poll or something and I am sure you know cousin bob at camp victory or balad or somewhere else you will say will not agree.
Senior Geek you left out Gen Wesley Clark but you also left out the generals that do not agree with your point of view. I do not like to hear any of these retired officers coming out with their political views during a time of war, but they all have good insight. But when one says one thing and another says the opposite to me it just seems like it is politics. I will have to say that general speak is way way above my pay grade.
And to all thanks for taking the time to read my little rant. I just wish I wouldnt have taken a VBIED so I could go back but no reason to whine about that. I was thinking it sure was nice driving down the road with the only thing to worry about was where I was going to take my 15 minute break.
They only reason I posted in the first place was not to try and pick an online fight with anyone. It just really bothers me when people that dont like our president they want to drag in our troops some kind of way. They will either say that they are taking to long to do their job, or they are commiting war crimes on a mass scale, or they lost the war in Iraq, or well you have heard them all no reason to go through them over and over. I just sometimes take it personal since I have lots of good friends that go to work everyday with body armor on in a place so far away from their familys and they seem to get it. And even though I know why it seems like most of us over here dont understand I still take the snipes at my friends bad but I am working on having a little thicker skin.
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