oh boy another discussion on this
my friends are there so I support them and hope they get home safe
however, there is such a mess over there that we have NO idea how to fix it. many people's hatred of the US in that area has to do with the first time we were there. Bush doesn't have an effective plan to finish what he's started as there isn't one. We have no idea how to end what we've started. As much as I love my country (which I'm sure conservatives will beg to disagree with me on, and no offense but its not your place to decide whether I do or not) policing other nations shouldn't be our job if we have no plan on how to fix the problems our involvement will create.
Do I think Bush lied when saying why he went to war with Iraq (without congress declaring war)? no, I do believe he was misinformed and should have acted accordingly...but didn't. I believe that the people that resigned or were asked to step down were just to make it seem like Bush was doing something (because in essence he was) about the problem. After all that have left and such, what has changed? NOTHING.
We've learned that Iraq did NOT have WMDs which was one of the chief reasons for going there. The claim to put down the genocide that is happening is baseless in my mind because it has been happening there for a while...why now all of the sudden did it become an issue? I'm not saying it should be allowed, but using that as a reason for this instance of invading was stupid, what about all the other years it has been going on? it didn't matter then?
The al qaeda (or however you spell it) ties that saddam allegedly had could have been a reason...if there was concrete proof, however allegedly is hardly factual.
You can call me a liberal I don't care. However, I want undeniable proof of something before I do something that will have dire repercussions and potentially cost many Americans their lives if we decide to go through with it. Clearly the intelligence agencies didn't cross all their T's and dot the i's. Personally I was more concerned that we stopped searching for Bin Laden, someone who has widely believed to be the culprit of what this war is tied to.
For all that blame the liberal media, did it ever occur to you the conservative administration feeds the same off balanced views albeit in the other direction? of course not because you see eye to eye with them. There will never be who's right and who's wrong on this issue, we're getting to whats left. All the points have been argued INCESSANTLY and neither side is more right than the other, both have their points but neither would garner a majority I don't think.
As long as there are uncompromising extremes (liberal democrats and conservative republicans) we will never see eye to eye on anything, we're each have our own views and they will both be askew. Somewhere in between what we both believe is the right course.