Will There Be Violence on November 9th?


Retired 22 years
People in the know say that Trump will be impeached, and it will be by the Republican establishment. Pence is a guy the establishment can get behind, bigly.

Pence can get behind the agenda, Trump is a loose cannon.

Who are these people in the know? I hope its not the pollsters.


Well-Known Member
what exactly is facist about his statements. Cuba and Mexico are known to empty out their jails and send them to us as refugee's and immigrants.

so when Trump points this fact out its not facism its a real statement about real things that happen.

The problem with the protests is leftist like yourself live in your leftist worlds. you make these outrageous statements where you use terms like Nazi and facism and none of your leftist buddies challenge your ridiculous statements. You then attempt to speak the same way with sane people in a sane world where you are immediately rejected. The protests start because your world suddenly gets confusing. your marching but there is no solution because its a request for you to be allowed to have your way . No one ever taught you that you don't always get your way. So you march with no end in sight.

So try taking a different path. take an actual trump quote not a made up paraphrased one and tell us why you object to it. Don't use bull:censored2: words like Nazi or Facism. Don't use a crutch like Chris Hedges speak with your own thoughts and your own well thought out opinion and lets see if you can hang in the real world.
well Robert O. Paxton is the number one expert on it so you should check it out.

why dont you look up the words "fascist" or "authoritarian" and donald trump with interviews of ralph nader, cornel west, chris hedges, richard wolff, glenn greenwald, noam chomsky, naomi klein, etc.

trump said he wants a ban on all muslims. what if he said he wants a ban on all jews?

trump calls mexicans rapists. what if he said all jews are rapists?

theres no difference. hes a fascist in the making.
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Well-Known Member
well Robert O. Paxton is the number one expert on it so you should check it out.

why dont you look up the words "fascist" or "authoritarian" and donald trump with interviews of ralph nader, cornel west, chris hedges, richard wolff, glenn greenwald, noam chomsky, naomi klein, etc.

trump said he wants a ban on all muslims. what if he said he wants a ban on all jews?

trump calls mexicans rapists. what if he said all jews are rapists?

theres no difference. hes a fascist in the making.

you used a crutch again. do you have your own opinion on anything without referencing someone else?
I don't need to look up those words. I have challenged you to finally articulate an opinion without once referencing someone else and without trying to use dramatic buzz words to strengthen an otherwise feeble argument.


Well-Known Member
you used a crutch again. do you have your own opinion on anything without referencing someone else?
I don't need to look up those words. I have challenged you to finally articulate an opinion without once referencing someone else and without trying to use dramatic buzz words to strengthen an otherwise feeble argument.
trump just needs to up the talk of violence more against certain segments of the population and he will be a full blown fascist.

and maybe thats your problem is you dont know who to get opinions from.

who is your fav politcal commentator?


Well-Known Member
trump just needs to up the talk of violence more against certain segments of the population and he will be a full blown fascist.

and maybe thats your problem is you dont know who to get opinions from.

who is your fav politcal commentator?

you cant do it can you? do you have an opinion that you can explain in detail? no quoting someone else no buzz words like Nazi or fascist. Can you do it?


Engorged Member
N word? Lol. I always wonder where some of you clowns grew up. Growing up I seen "bad" or illegal things, heard "bad" or illegal things and done "bad" or illegal things. Its what I would call normal life. Then every once in awhile someone like you says, "He probably used the N word." Like you never said :censored2: before. Do you live in he clouds with he Care Bears?

Neither you are I are President-elect. I'm glad you think Trump is "normal". Are you wearing a white sheet or a brown shirt to the coronation of The Fuhrer II?


Well-Known Member
Somewhere out there are the tapes of Trump uttering the N word, evidence of an underage rape, or illegal financial deals. Wait for it.

interesting. You have posted some pretty vile comments and thoughts here yet you sound like you may have objections to someone else who has also made vile comments in the past. I would think you would idolize him since you have so much in common with him.


Well-Known Member
Neither you are I are President-elect. I'm glad you think Trump is "normal". Are you wearing a white sheet or a brown shirt to the coronation of The Fuhrer II?

i'm ordering my white sheet now for the new president. I'm going to miss the black beret and black glove I had to wear for the previous president.


Engorged Member
You know why Obama hasn't spoken out against the violence? He is conflicted when dealing with terrorists. How it looks vs whom he would prefer to support.

Right. He's Muslim, you know. I see this morning that Trump is also walking back his wall. That's 2 campaign promises in the toilet already.


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Engorged Member
Not even in office yet, but its nice that his first term has put a damper on Obamas going away party....good riddance.

So far, Trump is walking back 3 of his biggest campaign promises.

1. Extreme vetting of Muslims....off his website and no longer mentioned.

2 Repealing Obamacare. Now he's embracing most of it.

3. Building "The Wall". Walking it back too.

So, the "not a politician" you people elected is really a politician after all.
