Well-Known Member
A worker's paycheck is earned in exchange for their labor, not from "voluntary contributions". How the employer earns their money is their business. If you choose to hire a group of workers, then those workers have the right to bargain for the price of their labor.
Where do you think UPS gets the money that it deposits in my bank account each week? Does it get it from thin air, or from businesses who voluntarily use UPS's service to fulfill their business needs? What would happen if UPS sent a gang of armed account reps to a business, put a gun to a business owner's head and demanded he/she ship their products UPS? There would be a huge public outcry followed by investigations, subpoenas, trials, and convictions at all levels of UPS. While UPS does not have this luxury the government does, and will send in a gang of armed officials to a business or individual's home over unpaid taxes. Taxes are involuntary meaning you have no choice but to pay them, and if you don't the government can and will deny you your property, liberty, and or life to get that money. This gives government laborers unparalleled job security. I pay taxes at the rate the government tells me I have to pay it, and I must object to some of that money ending up in the political coffers of politicians who support public unions. FDR has even stated that public employees should not be allowed to unionize for this very reason. That is due to the fact that a public employee union was not dreamed up on the basis of protecting the employees of the government, but to recycle government tax money into the pockets of politicians who support them in order to assist with their re election.