Eponymn. A person whose name is or is thought to be the source of the name of something, such as a city or country. “George Washington is the eponym of Washington DC.”
Clandestineadj. 1. Kept or done in secret, often in order to conceal an illicit or improper purpose. “The CIA maintains clandestine operations in many countries.”
Homogeneousadj. 1. Uniform in structure or composition. 2. Of the same or similar nature or kind: “The corporation maintains tight-knit, homogeneous board members.”
Colloquialismn. 1. An informal word or phrase that is more common in conversation than in formal speech or writing. Colloquialisms can include words such as “gonna” and phrases such as “ain’t nothin’” and “dead as a doornail.”
Transitoryadj. 1. Not lasting, enduring, permanent, or eternal. 2.Lasting only a short time; brief; short-lived; temporary. “It was a transitory stage in the actor’s career.”
Vicariousadj. 1. Experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person: “A vicarious thrill.” 2. Acting or done for another: “A vicarious atonement.”
Punditn. 1. Somebody who expresses an opinion: somebody who acts as a critic or authority on a particular subject, especially in the media. “The election results threw the political pundits into confusion.” 2. Somebody wise: somebody with knowledge and wisdom
Decadentn. A person who is luxuriously self-indulgent. (adj.) Characterized by or reflecting a state of decay or cultural decline, as in being self-indulgent or morally corrupt.
Didacticadj. (1) Intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive. (2) In the manner of a teacher, particularly so as to treat someone in a patronizing way. “The didactic speech influenced the weaker members of the audience
Lasciviousadj. Feeling or revealing an overt and often offensive sexual desire. “He gave her a lascivious wink.” Inclined to lustfulness; wanton; lewd. “The lascivious old man.”