Worst Insurrection Ever


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Every time I walk into a nursing home the whole place literally smells like :censored2:. I bet walking into the capitol building would smell similar for all the same reasons.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Maybe not the police but the National Guard should’ve fired on anyone that step foot illegally into the Capitol as a mob trying to find and kill our reps.
If they were seriously looking to find and kill your reps they would've succeeded. Stop being such a drama queen. Whether it's the police or the national guard, shooting people for entering a building they pay for is the definition of a tyrannical fascist police state. Sorry.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
If they were seriously looking to find and kill your reps they would've succeeded. Stop being such a drama queen. Whether it's the police or the national guard, shooting people for entering a building they pay for is the definition of a tyrannical fascist police state. Sorry.
If those people would’ve got their hands on a Rep they would’ve beat them to death given their anger. They were the weapon.


Well-Known Member
If those people would’ve got their hands on a Rep they would’ve beat them to death given their anger. They were the weapon.
This is true. We know it's true because the Jan. 6th Commission told us it was true. They had seen the security footage proving it. And to reinforce what they were telling us they released some of the security footage. But not all because the footage gave too many details that would make the Capitol Building vulnerable.

But wait. We got a new Speaker of the House. He decided that all the security footage should be made available. The Democratic leadership vehemently protested but to no avail. Now this was interesting. The security footage didn't show what the Jan. 6th Commission claimed. What some Democrats, who think people have short memories, are still claiming. Jan. 6th was nowhere near the violent insurrectionist riot claimed by the Commission. Could it be we were lied to? Yes, I do believe we were. Seriously, is there nothing Democrats won't lie about? I guess when your party is about social engineering and your economic theories hurt the average family then all you can do to keep power is lie.