Ok ChubboOn top of many of our people going over to Amazon to work and make their system better.
Settle down skinny
Ok ChubboOn top of many of our people going over to Amazon to work and make their system better.
Settle down skinny
Settle down tatasOk Chubbo
All I remember was a company called Railway Express that was THE delivery company of the day. They were nation wide and delivered everywhere. A friend of mine worked for them and I remember him telling me they were too big to go out of business.We better ask @rod about it. Wasn’t he a young man when the great revolt of 1860 happen???
They were already gone when I started but still a big talking point for the company/All I remember was a company called Railway Express that was THE delivery company of the day. They were nation wide and delivered everywhere. A friend of mine worked for them and I remember him telling me they were too big to go out of business.happens.
The problem is Amazon has gobbled up most of their competition. And ruined most of the good alternatives in the process.I try my best not to use Amazon. They are my last choice. I bought quite a few things this season. I bought guitar accessories, pet supplies, Christmas ornaments, tools and multiple things from eBay. Never did a UPS driver deliver even one of those packages. I had Fed-X, Amazon, USPS and some gig workers for Walmart deliver but no UPS. The closes UPS came was to handle 1 surepost package that USPS brought to me. It scares the crap out of me to think about UPS’s future and our stock and pension.
The problem is Amazon has gobbled up most of their competition. And ruined most of the good alternatives in the process.
Come here my bitchOk Chubbo
Haven’t heard that story but definitely agree that it’s too late for us to have a creative role in the narrative. Like stated before. Amazon has become the default website for commerce, cutting out their competitors who actually would use our services. The writing is on the wall, our future is bleak. I’m confident that UPS will live on but it’s in what form that is yet to be determined.There’s a story of ups raising rates on Amazon years ago. Amazon didn’t like it and overnight had fedex come in with trailers and they switched everything. Ups feeder came in the next day to see empty ups trailers and Amazon telling the drivers to take their empties off property. Sales teams were scrambling to get that business back and I don’t think they ended up raising the rates. Supposedly that was the turning point where ups realized they weren’t dealing with just any company and they couldn’t bully them around. Would have been the perfect time to GTFO and let fedex get buried by them. Anyone else ever hear this story??
Haven’t heard that story but definitely agree that it’s too late for us to have a creative role in the narrative. Like stated before. Amazon has become the default website for commerce, cutting out their competitors who actually would use our services. The writing is on the wall, our future is bleak. I’m confident that UPS will live on but it’s in what form that is yet to be determined.
Cutting our own throatsWe have UPS people that are Amazon prime members with excuses of why they are. It is amazing to see.
Close but no cigar…Well I got a delivery today from a new place my wife ordered from called Christmas Central. The post office delivered 3 packages from them. To add insult to injury Christmas Central used UPS supplies to ship the packages USPS. They had the packets rolled up so the UPS wasn’t showing but this is what I found when I unrolled them.
View attachment 459955
The reality is this peak sees over 80M packages shipped daIsley - UPS has dropped from market leader to a distant 3rd place. Ceding an industry leading position never bodes well for the future. Pay attention if your pension is tied to the future performance of this company.Maybe the worst catch phrase ever used in the history of UPS. Just terrible. We are doomed. Good luck y’all.
Abbey was the single worst CEO in the history of UPS - Carol was his swan song and all that implies.The company seriously took a sharp nosedive when Dave retired…we all made fun of him but now it’s looking like he was a one man show and keeping the company ultra profitable.
SameI try my best not to use Amazon. They are my last choice. I bought quite a few things this season. I bought guitar accessories, pet supplies, Christmas ornaments, tools and multiple things from eBay. Never did a UPS driver deliver even one of those packages. I had Fed-X, Amazon, USPS and some gig workers for Walmart deliver but no UPS. The closes UPS came was to handle 1 surepost package that USPS brought to me. It scares the crap out of me to think about UPS’s future and our stock and pension.
I agree but kind of difficult to do when management only wants to cut service.All this drama is nonsense. We’re making huge profits and are the best at what we do. Either step up and be the best at what you do or step down and step aside.
Be a Jedi and promote the business protect the shield on your truck and keep your integrity.