chocolate thunder
if you read at the last part of the contract it also says 35 cents of our gwi guarantee wage increase can be transfered without vote by us to pay for benefits. that 35 cent every 6 months is a joke if ups was in the red i would understand but their not. ive been here 20 plus years and understand a strike would not be good but if this goes through in 6 years all feeder jobs will be on the rail and pulled by overnite for a lot less,anyone can load a truck with pas all new drivers with gps telling them right where to deliver with their helper while the international non union business is making them profits to keep them afloat while they tell wall street we are restructuring the domestic ground business to nonunion due to costs but the future saving will be very profitable. writing is on the wall guys send them back to the table tighten up the language,jobs for partimers , better than 20 a week raise,dont forget managers up top getting 6 figure raises, 1000 at night knocking on doors at peak, standing at doors in the rain waiting for signature, 25 boxes of copy paper to the 3rd floor thats us the wheels at ups,im not anti ups just stating the facts,ive been around to see the thrift plan come and go,early mangement getting burned on raises,promises and smokescreens are what they are the contract is the only protection we have so read that proposal and think of your families future for you and your kids its still early like buying a car,they are a public company with a lot of stock riding on this with fedex knocking on the backdoor,you dont buy a car for the first offer they give you negotiate hoffa your working for us. guys thanx for lookin im with you brothers and sisters lets stick together and be strong,united were strong divided we beg if ups wins with this proposal things will change not for the better for us., ive been around long enough to know and learned from the oldtimers.