GuyinBrown I am very troubled by this hole situation of what they say and what the contract reads.
Did you read the post I directed you to? What the union is saying and what the contract says are actually the same thing... I don't know how to link directly to the new topic I started last night, so I'll copy the entire thing below. My apologies to anyone it upsets for the duplicate information in 2 threads...
I just watched the video and I
THINK I understand why we think the union is telling us something different than what we're reading....
"The UPS/IBT Plan will recognize full-time service in the CS Plan for determining eligibility for the benefits in this section and will offset at Normal Retirement Age the benefits accrued from the CS Plan commencing at Normal Retirement Age."
"If the benefit paid from the CS Plan is reduced as permitted or required by law, the amount of such reduction shall not be included in this offset."
This last part
seems to say that if the benefit is reduced, UPS is not obligated to pay the difference, which is why we seem to think we're getting 2 different stories. However, after listening to the video, I think the problem is that we're reading this backwards. I know when I read it, I took "offset" to mean the portion that UPS pays to make up the difference. According to the video, that is
INCORRECT. The video states that UPS is assuming 100% of your pension liability until age 65. That is why you would get one single check for your pension payment. At age 65, Central States begins to pay its portion of your pension liability. That is why at age 65, you would begin to get 2 checks - one from UPS, and a second from CS. This is known as an offset.
Now, knowing that we've been reading this backwards, and the offset is not UPS's portion but rather Central States, you can now take this language to mean that what the union is saying is not only correct, but also spelled out in black and white, right in the contract. If the offset is the CS portion, it actually means that if CS reduces it's payment, UPS is obligated to make up the difference because
the reduction shall not be included in this offset.
It was a long day and it's pretty late for me, so I apologize if my explanation is getting more muddled as I ramble on. But I do recommend watching the video and really paying attention to what the pension expert is saying. Specifically, he starts talking about this "offset" stuff around the 30 minute mark. I wanted to get this out while it was fresh in my head, I'll try to get some sleep and clear my thoughts up tomorrow. Maybe one of you night owls that watched the video with a clearer head can pick up where I left off.