You know, I wasn't going to inject myself into your cheerleading party for torture but then I ran across something that just might force a little bit of a rethink on the part of you empire lovers.
Shepard Smith pointed out rightly that "This is America" and with that is an ideal of a concept of no cruel and unusual punishment as found in the 8th amendment. Now I know the Constitution applies to only Americans argument and I'll concede the merit but let's take Shep's other point and that is "I can go to any lawyer and get him to write me any opinion I want." Having a wife in the legal bidness and knowing myself how to study case law a bit (thanks to my lovely wife), his point was very true. If you can find a lawyer, you can bring a case or make a case on any matter of law you so wish. Others may have the ultimate say (courts) but for the time being you can as they say "get away with it!"
For the last 8 years, you guys championed the growing police state under republican rule because quite frankly, you feared islamic radicals more than the you feared the potential ramifications of gov't over reach. I didn't share in your belief but life is what life is. Now, you find the gov't you trusted not in place and a gov't "you might not be so inclined to trust" is in place. With that new gov't also comes the expansion of power you freely granted previously and so far for the most part, they've not choosen to surrender that power either even though at the time it was done, this same party condemned the expanding powers that Bush took.
Considering your POV's about the radical "flock of birds" these new characters tend to run with, how do you feel when you read this, and consider the radical nature of these "flocks of birds" in relation to what you feel may be lawful in life and what they feel contary that should be made unlawful?
Before anyone gives blanket powers to a collectivist body especially under the mythology of "it'll keep us safe" and I have no reason to fear or nothing to hide because "I'm not a criminal", "I'm not a terrorist" or "I'm not an islamic radical" consider the fact that what you do today in an open and lawful manner under someone else's control just might be deemed a crime and then you go from being an "I'm not" to an "I am!"
Well Obama said he was about change but I wonder how others will feel about this type of change!