"Don't you think we will know each other in heaven? Our life and people and relationships we had on the earth? Of course.
The rich man and Lazarus parable I believe confirms this."
Interesting Scripture on this topic in Isaiah 65:17
After God creates a New Heaven and a New Earth, we are told that the things of this world will not be thought of, or remembered Anymore.
So, to answer: "... will we remember our life, people, and relationships we had on earth?"
Scripture (Isaiah 65:17) seems to "suggest" that we wont.
certainly a powerful verse to "digest".
2 Peter 3:13 is a parallel verse to Isa.65:17 the apostle Peter says that it is "according to His promise" that this new heavens and earth are looked for. Jesus promised a place in his Father's house for all who would follow him Jn. 14:1-6.
The promise is not a promise of this old earth. It is a promise of Heaven, where Jesus went to be at his Father's right hand. Paul affirms that Heaven is where Jesus is now, and that is what we are to be seeking Col. 3:1-3
That Jerusalem is above Paul says in Galatians 4:26. That eternal home for the righteous, where God is pictured as wiping away every tear from our eyes, removing death, mourning, crying and pain (cf. Rev. 21:4) is our goal, not a renovated earth.
"Remembered no more."..the earth itself maybe..the sin and corruption..wouldn't be heaven if we did battle with the world like we do now. I think are too many instances in scripture where people recognize others who have gone on before they did.
King David's child had died, he said: "Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he will not return to me" (2 Sam. 12:23). David realized that someday he would go to be with the child.
The transfiguration...Moses and Elijah had been dust for hundreds of years and they were recognized.
Rich man and Lazarus.
The very thought of knowing one another in heaven is a great hope for Christians. It should motivate us to endeavor even more to please God, and be assured that someday we can live forever in that indescribable place known as heaven.