
  1. F

    Changing times

    so I was wondering if anyone has any other ideas. Our entire building is notorious for changing our time cards. 10 minutes here and there sometimes more. Every time you bring it to their attention the “mistake” gets fixed, and a lot of times they would try and say the employee must have entered...
  2. M

    When does free period end?

    When does free period end? Our center is still using all drivers to run full routes. Do drivers that work after free period get peak days counted if they’re still driving? Or at least the days leading up to peak? Thanks in advance
  3. MeLlamoMud

    Employee rights...how can I help?

    I'm a new poster/commenter but have lurked and talked to enough employees to see a trend. Many do not know what their rights are. Sadly the majority are young, like my daughter (19), and living in an "at will" state so they just don't know any better. Could anyone tell me, does the Union do...
  4. J

    Grievance against the Union?

    So all the seasonal workers get these huge weekly bonuses, must be there every day and on time, so at the end of peak they are looking at an extra $950 or so. Sups say that’s not us it’s the union! My mind I’d boggled! Another one, well they loose seniority and they’re not guaranteed a job, bla...
  5. S

    Saturday Ground

    Every route had 260+ stops with commercials. 2 of our drivers had 8hr days. 5 call ins. Personally can’t wait to see how many missed we can bring back lol
  6. Soccer97

    Messing with employees time

    Is a sup allowed to edit an employees time by moving time under a lower pay code? I've asked for help on this and have wrote grievances galore to fix my time for my checks and nothing.
  7. G

    Part time pension

    Does anyone know who to contact to receive an app foir the part time pension. I'm in the Atlantic division
  8. D

    Shuttle Work

    I am a combo employee who has a bid of 2-inside jobs, Can I sign-up to be a shuttler for a different sort/building? The shuttler work and the regular combo work I bid on are at the same time, So its not extra work. Its just due to getting ground pay over combo pay rate? Or is this strictly for...
  9. U

    Hired as full time

    Hired off the street june of 2017 a week ago manager told me HR screwed up and hired too many people. Now this morning he calls me and tell me they no longer need me. Is this right? Can I fight it being that the only excuse is HR screwed up?
  10. T

    Preload Pay - 2018 Contract (On Topic)

    With the "contract leaks" thread getting way too long I decided to make a quick post gauging what they think starting pay will be like for preloaders following the new contract. I'm hoping on $15/hr with 50c/yr progression. What about y'all?
  11. U

    Union help

    Hired as a full time driver now supervisor says I won't have a job as a driver because HR hired too many people. (3 too many). It's bee. 6 months since my hired date can the union help me with this?
  12. U


    Is 401k offered to part time employees
  13. PeasAndCarrots

    Exactly how does a strike work?

    With the new contract coming up and UPS showing out with the 70 hour work weeks and hiring SPVD’s, I feel like a strike might actually happen. I’m just not sure exactly what that entails for us as union members and I have a couple of questions if someone could answer. 1) Is the strike fund...
  14. Jackburton

    Delivering at 10:30pm, what could go wrong

    Another incident of a driver being held up and the truck stolen, at 10:30pm. This happened to a driver out of the Roswell building, Marietta Center side. This could have been a lot worse, stay safe out there, hopefully someone doesn’t have to die before UPS gets slammed with overworking...
  15. mrbrownstone

    Union Fight for Better Peak?

    For those of you who have had a bad peak being forced to work excessive hours do you think there is any hope of the Union fighting for less hours worked in the upcoming contract? This year is nothing short of ridiculous.
  16. E

    What are my chances?

    I got hired for preload on the 21st of Nov. I work 3 to whatever, and always stay until everything is done, not just my line, but the whole line. Never been late, never missed a day. What are my chances for keeping the job?
  17. Sissy Brown Short Shorts

    What’s the point?

    Quite honestly, what’s the point of having a union anymore? I’ve been asking that question to myself and to a handful of more senior drivers. They always have the same answer, “if they weren’t around you wouldn’t have a job, the company would fire you for anything they wanted to”. Since I’ve...
  18. M

    The Six Day Tradeoff

    Cyber Monday week was hell, then the six day bomb dropped on my head, basically like surviving Hiroshima only to flee to Nagasaki. Two weeks later, peak has become ridiculously easy with the amount of routes they're running daily (plus a great helper), despite two snowfalls during that time. I...
  19. G

    the new 70 hour rule should now speak volumes to us drivers

    safety, what does safety mean anymore to the corporate UPS fools? it means disregarding and overlooking everything UPS has preached about safety since Casey opened the doors. Our so-called leaders have sold us out once and for all. open your eyes drivers. the $$$$$'s are and always have...
  20. B

    I hope UPS is learning from this

    Tomorrow, well tonight actually, a crew of us are going in for 6th punch. About half as many drivers on route but 25% of today's pieces. It'll be easy to smash out. So instead of hiring seasonals who stay and are worth it, they're giving us "special pay" of $12.50, which will be sixth punch...