“Change” vs “Draining the Swamp”


Well-Known Member
You seen the Chinese videos. And the highest paid bureaucrat in the government Dr Fouci said it wasn't airborne transmissible.

I know let's elect a lifelong politician. He'll just double down on growing the government. That's your plan
And once the science became clear, Fauci said the virus was found to be easily transmitted through the air. Some people can learn, some people are so stubborn that learning something new that contradicts your past knowledge means you ignorantly stick to your guns no matter what science proves. The right thinks that science is against them when it finds new data.
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Well-Known Member
So Trump bad because of a virus. Hope those murder hornets out west don't spread.

And the city governments are not responsible for the murders, rapes, stealing? No, invisible forces made them act that way.

Maybe it's difficult to control human behavior. The final solution, obey or comply.

Very dark days indeed Mr. Biden.
Trump bad because he is a misogynist, liar, thief, and cheat. The days immediately after he was sworn in he stated over and over that his inauguration drew more people than Obama's when the photos clearly showed Trump had at best 2/3s of what Obama had. That same innate desire to lie when the truth is clear should be enough reason to remove him, for anyone who thinks morality matters. The problem is that someone will come and post the FOX news, or Hannity, or Limbaugh has proof the the photos taken by hundreds of photographers of the inauguration were all part of some conspiracy, and they actually believe FOX, etc instead of their own eyes that showed live shots on that very day.

The same hold true for everything Trump has done, from licking Putin, Kim, Xi Bolsaro, etc from head to toe, which is somehow now a good thing, to withdrawing from Syria, leaving it for Putin, to changing the tax code so the wealthy pay less, by running up the debt that the rest of us will end up paying instead.

Trump borrowed money, gave the average worker a little, which will need to be repaid, and those Trumpie diehards think they got a tax cut!!!!!!!!!!!! At BEST, they got a tax deferral with interest owed on the amount deferred, but in reality, with wealthy and corporations paying a lot less, those middle income workers actually are no responsible for MORE debt, not less.

Those same Trumpies believe that a 2.1% annual growth rate under Trump is the best economy ever (Trump told them so) while they blaim Obama for the slowest recovery ever with the same 2.1% annual growth. The Dow nearly triple under Obama, and is only about 60% up under Trump, yet they really believe the claims of 'fastest stock market growth ever' without even thinking about it.

They will refuse to even look at the facts/science because the facts and science would force them to admit being wrong. Instead, they will say to every bit of info that it is a lie, that it is 'the deep state.' or that it is liberal's who are lying. Sad to see such a large part of the country prove themselves to be ignorant, and not only ignorant, but proud to be ignorant, proud to ignore even what they may accept as true, but still tist it to fit their ego that says they can never accept being wrong.


Well-Known Member
Trump is president- violence and protests have risen under Trump's leadership. Who to blame? Anyone but Trump

Trump is president- deaths under Trump have gone up from violence and drugs, even before covid. Who to blame? The CHINESE!!!!!!

Trump is president- the US debt and deficit have both risen to historic highs on his policies. Who to blame? Nobody, because now soaring debt and deficits are a good thing.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Trump is president- violence and protests have risen under Trump's leadership. Who to blame? Anyone but Trump

Trump is president- deaths under Trump have gone up from violence and drugs, even before covid. Who to blame? The CHINESE!!!!!!

Trump is president- the US debt and deficit have both risen to historic highs on his policies. Who to blame? Nobody, because now soaring debt and deficits are a good thing.
Your Cause and Effect are lacking the most basic requirement; logic. That reduces them to the incoherent ramblings of a malcontent.


Well-Known Member
Jesus came to die for sinners, I consider myself a chief sinner.
You on the other hand don't see yourself in need, I understand that.

As a forgiven sinner I'll continue to support my and your president Donald John Trump.

Burns your ass up doesn't it.
What are you going to do if he's no longer your president after 1-20-21?
What most turned me off to organized religion was that in my town there was a huge and opulent major denomination building at one end of the block while at the other end of the block was this humble building of the same denomination.

Then what was the difference? The big sprawling at one end of the block was for the white people of that denomination while the humble little building at the other end was for the black people of that denomination.

If you're a racist and or a bigot and you want to hang out with like minded people then all you have to do is to hook up with your local neighborhood evangelical fundamentalist Christian church.


Well-Known Member
Your Cause and Effect are lacking the most basic requirement; logic. That reduces them to the incoherent ramblings of a malcontent.
You STILL blame Obama for everything, even 4 years later, yet you forgive Trump, and deflect blame. You only care about cause and effect when it fits your plan. Denying the facts is one of the symptoms of ignorance. Finding some insane excuse or 'deep state' conspiracy to explain what you can't mentally handle is a Trumpie's most obvious defect. No matter how bad, lying to you, cheating on all 3 of his wives, lying about pornstar payoffs, tripling the deficit, adding 50% to the debt, raising your total tax burden, failing to 'build the wall, calling people names like a thrd grader, giving Syria to Russia, and letting 200k Americans die without urging that people wear mask, no matter what Trump says or does, you never want to look at the facts. Instead, you are so caught up in protecting your own identity, tied to Trump, that instead of answering, you deflect by trying to insult. That is a sign of stupidity, not ignorance, or a sign that you don't even see what you are doing. You have given over your mind, and your whole ego is wrapped up in protecting yourself from seeing the facts.

I am glad you are oblvious, and are able to be content given the state of the country. Because you can't even see the state of things, of course you aren't bothered. You like having a president who mocks those who serve in the military and has cost allies to distrust him. You act like a child yourself, calling names. ignoring facts, and really think the just because package count is up it means the country is doing great. The package count is up BECAUSE the country is not doing great, and people are buying online because fedex has found a low wage workforce that makes buying directly from Chinese merchants through online retailers is all people can afford. You think that susidies to farmers, paid by taxpayers, is great, yet don't want the poor who have lost jobs to get medical care. Something is wrong in your little brain.


Inordinately Right
As usual, you basically said nothing that supports your opinion. Trump is an evil liar, and you and Jesus/God/Whatever have enabled him to wreak havoc upon not only our democracy, but the entire world. He is a demented buffoon who needs to be stopped. Where is God these days with Covid-19 and everything else bad that is happening? Nowhere to be found. This is really bad, not just your usual sin and sot business. Is He on vacation, or just not there? I'll go with "Not There" for $1000, Alex.

I have someone in my office who reminds me of you. A fervent Christian, he believes the moon landing was fake, the Earth is 6,000 years old, and that the speed of light is variable, not constant. He believes any conspiracy theory or faux "science" that supports his Fundamentalist ideology. I don't have time to describe his full spectrum of idiocy.

Recently, he told me Catholics are not Christians, a philosophy frequently espoused by Fundamentalist Christians. After a long diatribe about transmogrification, The Pope, and the usual nonsense, I pointed out to him that 6 members of SCOTUS are practicing Catholics. "Ummm..oh...I'll have to research that". He's eminently qualified, just having received a correspondence "degree" in Theology from some religious university.

You don't need facts when they just conveniently drop out of your butt to support your fake narrative of "God" somehow being behind the rise of the "Divine Monarch" Trump.

Please, pull your head out. You can't, because you're totally committed to The Lie and The Liar.
Oh wow you're still alive?
I thought you killed yourself because Donald Trump became your President.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
You STILL blame Obama for everything, even 4 years later, yet you forgive Trump, and deflect blame. You only care about cause and effect when it fits your plan. Denying the facts is one of the symptoms of ignorance. Finding some insane excuse or 'deep state' conspiracy to explain what you can't mentally handle is a Trumpie's most obvious defect. No matter how bad, lying to you, cheating on all 3 of his wives, lying about pornstar payoffs, tripling the deficit, adding 50% to the debt, raising your total tax burden, failing to 'build the wall, calling people names like a thrd grader, giving Syria to Russia, and letting 200k Americans die without urging that people wear mask, no matter what Trump says or does, you never want to look at the facts. Instead, you are so caught up in protecting your own identity, tied to Trump, that instead of answering, you deflect by trying to insult. That is a sign of stupidity, not ignorance, or a sign that you don't even see what you are doing. You have given over your mind, and your whole ego is wrapped up in protecting yourself from seeing the facts.

I am glad you are oblvious, and are able to be content given the state of the country. Because you can't even see the state of things, of course you aren't bothered. You like having a president who mocks those who serve in the military and has cost allies to distrust him. You act like a child yourself, calling names. ignoring facts, and really think the just because package count is up it means the country is doing great. The package count is up BECAUSE the country is not doing great, and people are buying online because fedex has found a low wage workforce that makes buying directly from Chinese merchants through online retailers is all people can afford. You think that susidies to farmers, paid by taxpayers, is great, yet don't want the poor who have lost jobs to get medical care. Something is wrong in your little brain.
TLDR, blather, blather, blather. Yawn.


Inordinately Right
What are you going to do if he's no longer your president after 1-20-21?
What most turned me off to organized religion was that in my town there was a huge and opulent major denomination building at one end of the block while at the other end of the block was this humble building of the same denomination.

Then what was the difference? The big sprawling at one end of the block was for the white people of that denomination while the humble little building at the other end was for the black people of that denomination.

If you're a racist and or a bigot and you want to hang out with like minded people then all you have to do is to hook up with your local neighborhood evangelical fundamentalist Christian church.
What's sad is that you don't realize liberalism is a religion. Well, a cult really. They have tricked you into being a member and you don't even know it. Very sad.


Inordinately Right
Fear division are the only things the GOP has to offer the voters as we saw last night on 60 Minutes.
Fear mongering that millions are going to die from the Chinese Virus is the entire Democrat election strategy. Before that it was fear mongering that we would all die from WW3 with Iran. Before that it was fear mongering that we would all die from WW3 with North Korea. Before that it was fear mongering that we would all die from climate change.

Your complete lack of self awareness is astonishing.


Well-Known Member
Fear mongering that millions are going to die from the Chinese Virus is the entire Democrat election strategy. Before that it was fear mongering that we would all die from WW3 with Iran. Before that it was fear mongering that we would all die from WW3 with North Korea. Before that it was fear mongering that we would all die from climate change.

Your complete lack of self awareness is astonishing.
And of course now their "experts" are saying that we are NEVER going to return to normal, that even after a vaccine is developed, people will still need to practice good hygiene and "continue wearing masks"...

Someone lied to these fruitloops. And whoever it was sold it to them good if they think thats gonna happen. I like my air unobstructed, and inhaled through my mouth just to annoy the left.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
And of course now their "experts" are saying that we are NEVER going to return to normal, that even after a vaccine is developed, people will still need to practice good hygiene and "continue wearing masks"...

Someone lied to these fruitloops. And whoever it was sold it to them good if they think thats gonna happen. I like my air unobstructed, and inhaled through my mouth just to annoy the left.
Is practicing good hygiene really that heavy of a lift for right wingers?


Well-Known Member
Is practicing good hygiene really that heavy of a lift for right wingers?
Per usual, you miss the point that this was never about hygiene OR combatting a virus. Its about control. Being told what to do, and you doing it, like an obedient slave. And not only that, but inducting low-IQ powerless control freaks in to be the coordinators.

I dont have a problem wearing a mask into a hospital. Probably isnt a bad idea anyways. But no one is gonna tell me I have to wear a mask for the rest of my life just cause it makes them more comfortable. They should just kill themselves and be done with this place

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Per usual, you miss the point that this was never about hygiene OR combatting a virus. Its about control. Being told what to do, and you doing it, like an obedient slave. And not only that, but inducting low-IQ powerless control freaks in to be the coordinators.

I dont have a problem wearing a mask into a hospital. Probably isnt a bad idea anyways. But no one is gonna tell me I have to wear a mask for the rest of my life just cause it makes them more comfortable. They should just kill themselves and be done with this place
Do you get mad at the signs in bathrooms that tell you to wash your hands?


Well-Known Member
Fear mongering that millions are going to die from the Chinese Virus is the entire Democrat election strategy. Before that it was fear mongering that we would all die from WW3 with Iran. Before that it was fear mongering that we would all die from WW3 with North Korea. Before that it was fear mongering that we would all die from climate change.

Your complete lack of self awareness is astonishing.
225,000 dead with credible models saying that number could double by spring is not "everybody is going to die" but what it is telling us is that many more American families could experience the grief and heartbreak of having a completely innocent loved being taken from them by a disease whose impact could be significantly lessened if people weren't so entrenched in their "you're not telling me what to do" version of so called "liberty".


Inordinately Right
225,000 dead with credible models saying that number could double by spring is not "everybody is going to die" but what it is telling us is that many more American families could experience the grief and heartbreak of having a completely innocent loved being taken from them by a disease whose impact could be significantly lessened if people weren't so entrenched in their "you're not telling me what to do" version of so called "liberty".
What is the average age of death from the Chinese virus?