“Change” vs “Draining the Swamp”


Inordinately Right
The cure is coming..tick tock 1/20/21


Well-Known Member

Okay pal, I'll accept that as an admission that you did in fact invoke Godwin's Law because you're incapable of rationally expressing your opinion.

Carry on.
It's not a case of me being unable to express myself but rather you not liking what I have to say along with your inability to offer a credible response .


Engorged Member
My dad tested positive. 71, a lifetime of smoking, moderate drinking, and poor eating habits. Says (while dropping a cigarette butt in an empty beer can) "it was the worst cold I ever had".
My brother in the Air Force tested positive. 45, with a much healthier lifestyle. Says "it was like a bad head cold".

This evidence is scant and anecdotal. However, there is enough to consider three possibilities:
This virus is highly overrated.
There are alot of false positives.
There is a strong genetic component to succumbing to or resisting this particular virus.
Or any combination thereof. Personally, I suspect all of the above.
225,000 US dead (and counting) say otherwise.Your anecdotal evidence is basically worthless. So, you know 2 people who had it and did fine and then draw a flawed conclusion that the evidence is "scant". You are contradicting yourself, and ignoring scientific facts. A genetic component has been postulated but neither proven nor dis-proven at this point.

I know 18 people who have had it, 3 of whom who still aren't doing well after battling it for months. 2 died, both of whom were doctors with no pre-existing medical conditions. So, my anecdotal evidence (which is still anecdotal because I can't provide data) belies yours, and actual data regarding morbidity and co-morbidity would back up my experience(s) in terms of actual recorded and documented cases. Try reading something scientific instead of relying on what Breitbart and Fox tell you.

No herd immunity (ask Sweden), and cases rising again at alarming rates. Yep, time to unmask and fully open the economy and
"be free".

Sorry, but you're ignorant. Go, Trump!


Well-Known Member
Ya you expressed your opinion that people who disagree with you are Nazis. Brilliant. Keep crying my good friend.
It is truly astounding that in defense of a clearly failed public health policy you would go so far as to use a COVID victim's person's age in a disgusting attempt to absolve your hero of any responsibility for his flat out lying about the severity of a disease that represents the worst public crisis in a century. Your mindset is something right out of Logan's Run.


Inordinately Right
It is truly astounding that in defense of a clearly failed public health policy you would go so far as to use a COVID victim's person's age in a disgusting attempt to absolve your hero of any responsibility for his flat out lying about the severity of a disease that represents the worst public crisis in a century. Your mindset is something right out of Logan's Run.
Nothing you said is true.
Typical for a Democrat.


Well-Known Member
Your anecdotal evidence is basically worthless.
Yes. I agree. Because it's anecdotal. And I admitted that.
and then draw a flawed conclusion
I did not draw a conclusion. And neither should anyone else. I only speculated. Because my evidence is anecdotal and limited. As I cheerfully admitted.
A genetic component has been postulated but neither proven nor dis-proven at this point.
Yes. That is why it has only been postulated. And the same with schizophrenia. You should research that.
and ignoring scientific facts.
The scientific fact is that the only two people I know that have tested positive for the corona virus are recovered, and still alive.
Sorry, but you're ignorant. Go, Trump!
You are unhinged. It's clear that all the voices in your head talking over each other have you confused. Go take yer meds.


Well-Known Member
As of today, Trump hasn't lost anything and Biden hasn't won anything. The Left is hopeful while the Right is fearful. Taking office in the midst of a crisis Roosevelt's words ring just a true today as they did then...." The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" The public's reaction to the outcome could be more damaging to the nation than the results themselves..


Inordinately Right
As of today, Trump hasn't lost anything and Biden hasn't won anything. The Left is hopeful while the Right is fearful. Taking office in the midst of a crisis Roosevelt's words ring just a true today as they did then...." The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" The public's reaction to the outcome could be more damaging to the nation than the results themselves..
The left is fearful. Fear is their entire campaign strategy.

It's no mystery which party would turn violent, they've done it time and time again. They're doing it right now in Philadelphia.... and Portland.... and New York.... and the list goes on.


Well-Known Member
The left is fearful. Fear is their entire campaign strategy.

It's no mystery which party would turn violent, they've done it time and time again. They're doing it right now in Philadelphia.... and Portland.... and New York.... and the list goes on.
The more I read from you the more convinced I am that you're never worked a single day for either Fedex or UPS . In fact I'm beginning to doubt if you ever worked a day period. And since you refuse to pay a dime for information the fact that this site is free and supplies you with free entertainment is why you spend your entire day and night on here.