“The Body of Christ” with Integrity (On Topic Only”


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Yes, I believe in God’s love freely given and expressed by Jesus’ finished work on the cross. God loving me so much to do that, I can only believe love so great as this by the grace given me by God through the power of Holy Spirit,
So, you’re back to faith online? James said that was dead.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I don't deflect.

I answer, it may not be in the manner you like or accept.
I've chosen to respond to you today, for what reason I don't know

Let's get one thing straight, If I don't know I'll say I don't know, we both supposedly know the source of the answers.
So that’s the only verse we need? Nothing else? Just believe in Jesus and live your life?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
"The Lord did his part", now that is precious.

He did it all, I simply believed God's word when he said He was pleased.

Abraham believed God and it was counted to Him for righteousness.
You mock because of a lack of knowledge.
Yes, Jesus did his part of the eternal plan of God, by dying on the cross.
God did his part, by sending his son to die.
The Holy Spirit did his part by giving us the written word so that the plan of salvation could be revealed to all.


Well-Known Member
Yes you did deflect.
You gave no answer to do anything with.
I don’t know why you responded either.
Let’s get one thing straight, if you make a claim concerning your “faith experience “ If it’s contrary to what is written, I’ll call it on you.
I've never mentioned my "faith experience."

I've made one claim.
I'm a sinner, Jesus Christ came to save sinners.
I think contrary to what Paul said, as a sinner "I am chief", and you can quote me on that.

What else do you have to add to the Blood Jesus shed on the cross.
You've made it clear His completed work is not sufficient for you, what else must you add?

I take the position I am not talking to a believer now.

I'll ask you a direct question, two actually.

Is God pleased and are you pleased with the finished work of Jesus, to make you acceptable?

Upon believing, and trusting the words of Jesus and God the Father do you have the same position of the Son?


Binge Poster
Faith Only
I am concerned of the circular nature of these discussion.

I am concerned that this may be setting a bad example to those that might be observing this discussion.

I believe the Holy Spirit is prompting my conscience to ask can’t we just find one thing to really agree on.

I think it really would be great.

Can’t we at least agree that God so loves His Creation.

God loves you so!

God loves me so!

Can’t we agree on this??
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Well-Known Member
Just believe in Jesus and live your life?
If there is an interview on entrance to heaven how do you respond.

God the Father :

Mr. Brownflush, I see you have lived a notable life in your church, would you like to expound on these accomplishments and add to what my Son did on the Cross for you, I find Him lacking in minor ways. Exactly what can you add?

Mr. Brownflush : FILL IN YOUR ANSWER,

brownflush, understand you are already on record here, on these pages. Don't forget that.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Yes I have been baptized by the Holy Spirit, I was baptized into Christ's body when I believed God.
I have the Holy Spirit of God inside of me, sinful flesh.

I told you once before, I don't argue against perceived believer's for arguments sake, it's not profitable in the presence of unbeliever's.
My concern is telling other sinners, like myself, that God has made the way to Him through the Blood of His Son's cross.

I have nothing of value to add to the shed Blood of Jesus, The Son of God. I'm satisfied that God is satisfied with His Son's finished work on the cross.
No argument.
Holy Spirit baptism occurred only twice to select individuals for specific reasons. Once in Acts 1 and once in Acts 10

The baptism of the HS was simply the HS giving one miraculous power. In the case of Acts 1 it was the ability to speak many different languages so the Jews gathered on Pentecost could hear the first gospel sermon ever preached in their own language
In Acts 10, Cornelius was given the power to speak in different languages so that Peter would know that God approved him as a candidate for the gospel. He was the first gentle convert.

Your claim of being baptized by the HS is baseless according to the Bible.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
If there is an interview on entrance to heaven how do you respond.

God the Father :

Mr. Brownflush, I see you have lived a notable life in your church, would you like to expound on these accomplishments and add to what my Son did on the Cross for you, I find Him lacking in minor ways. Exactly what can you add?

Mr. Brownflush : FILL IN YOUR ANSWER,

brownflush, understand you are already on record here, on these pages. Don't forget that.
Your talking like the Riddler again.
Ask a plain Bible question and I’ll do my best to give you a Bible answer.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I am concerned of the circular nature of these discussion.

I am concerned that this may be setting a bad example to those that might be observing this discussion.

I believe the Holy Spirit is prompting my conscience to ask can’t we just find one thing to really agree on.

I think it really would be great.

Can’t we at least agree that God so loves His Creation.

God loves you so!

God loves me so!

Can’t we agree on this??
There has been no argument.
Yes God loves everyone.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I am concerned of the circular nature of these discussion.

I am concerned that this may be setting a bad example to those that might be observing this discussion.

I believe the Holy Spirit is prompting my conscience to ask can’t we just find one thing to really agree on.

I think it really would be great.

Can’t we at least agree that God so loves His Creation.

God loves you so!

God loves me so!

Can’t we agree on this??
There has been no argument.
Yes God loves everyone.


Binge Poster
No argument.
Holy Spirit baptism occurred only twice to select individuals for specific reasons. Once in Acts 1 and once in Acts 10

The baptism of the HS was simply the HS giving one miraculous power. In the case of Acts 1 it was the ability to speak many different languages so the Jews gathered on Pentecost could hear the first gospel sermon ever preached in their own language
In Acts 10, Cornelius was given the power to speak in different languages so that Peter would know that God approved him as a candidate for the gospel. He was the first gentle convert.

Your claim of being baptized by the HS is baseless according to the Bible.
I do not believe the same as you on this matter.


Well-Known Member
All you’ve ever said is just accept and believe ...
No, I've said Believe God.

Did today actually if you took the time to understand.

I said "Abraham Believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness."

I don't use the term accept, it's always believe.


Binge Poster
No I can’t tell you exactly,

I do know that I believe God has prompted my conscience when the author of some Scripture is written or used in a manner contrary to the spirit of Jesus’ commandment to “Love your neighbor as yourself”.

I believe unconditional love usually trumps unloving legalism.

Think Jesus 2 commandments cover it.