“The Body of Christ” with Integrity (On Topic Only”


Binge Poster
I'd ask you to explain but you don't do that.
You stated: If the HS is personaliy in you, how can he be in anyone else?
There is only one Holy Spirit?

I stated: I believe in the omnipresence of the unseen Spirit of God.

I believe there is no place to which God's knowledge and power through the Holy Spirit do not extend.

I believe the Holy Spirit of God has the ability to be everywhere or in many places at once. This includes unlimited temporal presence.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You stated: If the HS is personaliy in you, how can he be in anyone else?
There is only one Holy Spirit?

I stated: I believe in the omnipresence of the unseen Spirit of God.

I believe there is no place to which God's knowledge and power through the Holy Spirit do not extend.

I believe the Holy Spirit of God has the ability to be everywhere or in many places at once. This includes unlimited temporal presence.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You stated: If the HS is personaliy in you, how can he be in anyone else?
There is only one Holy Spirit?

I stated: I believe in the omnipresence of the unseen Spirit of God.

I believe there is no place to which God's knowledge and power through the Holy Spirit do not extend.

I believe the Holy Spirit of God has the ability to be everywhere or in many places at once. This includes unlimited temporal presence.
I believe.
I believe.
I believe I"m falling in love... it was in a song by the Cornelius Brothers I think

If you really really believe something, and you really really want to make up stuff that sounds like something that is right that you heard or someone said that you think was from God, and you really really like it and it really really feels right, then all that makes it really really right.

If you ever want to discuss or become interested enough to actually want to know what the Bible says about a subject, let me know. Maybe I can help.


Binge Poster
''The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.'' -- The Apostle Paul Rom.16:20
( I'll go with Jesus Christ being the most powerful weapon to conquer the devil)
I believe Jesus the Christ has disarmed the devil and triumphed over all the forces of evil precisely in his sacrificial death on the cross.


Binge Poster
I believe.
I believe.
I believe I"m falling in love... it was in a song by the Cornelius Brothers I think

If you really really believe something, and you really really want to make up stuff that sounds like something that is right that you heard or someone said that you think was from God, and you really really like it and it really really feels right, then all that makes it really really right.

If you ever want to discuss or become interested enough to actually want to know what the Bible says about a subject, let me know. Maybe I can help.
I hope you realize that when your explain Scriptures you are simply stating what you believe the Bible says and means to you and others maybe, depend upon which school of thought one might ascribe to.

My read on your position is that your belief is based upon determining what you believe the Bible says and that establishes your belief. I hope you understand and appreciate that it is still based upon your belief.

My point, you are saying what you believe too.

I read the Bible not so much to hear from it but to hear from God through reading it.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I believe Jesus the Christ has disarmed the devil and triumphed over all the forces of evil precisely in his sacrificial death on the cross.
Believe Believe Believe ...a lie.
The devil is fully armed and the forces are in full on mode.
"Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." -- 1Peter 1:8


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Like I said.....
If you ever want to discuss or become interested enough to actually want to know what the Bible says about a subject, let me know. Maybe I can help.


Binge Poster
Believe Believe Believe ...a lie.
The devil is fully armed and the forces are in full on mode.
"Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." -- 1Peter 1:8
1Peter 5:8

I believe one of the devil’s main schemes is for one to have believers in Jesus quarrel over words setting an unloving example to the watching world.

Secondly and in my mind probably more important is I believe the devil tries to convince some that what Jesus did on the cross wasn’t enough to defeat him and offer salvation to mankind.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I agree you are a modern day Pharisee!
1Peter 5:8

I believe one of the devil’s main schemes is for one to have believers in Jesus quarrel over words setting an unloving example to the watching world.

Secondly and in my mind probably more important is I believe the devil tries to convince some that what Jesus did on the cross wasn’t enough to defeat him and offer salvation to mankind.
There is no argument. The passage says what it says.
Secondly, We still sin. We can have forgiveness if one repents, one of the conditions of forgiveness ( thanks to the cross)
You sound like the cross bought every one a one way ticket to the Pearly Gates unconditionally This is not taught in scripture.


Well-Known Member
Secondly and in my mind probably more important is I believe the devil tries to convince some that what Jesus did on the cross wasn’t enough to defeat him and offer salvation to mankind.
I think God the Father, through His Holy Spirit, has revealed to you exactly what He thinks of His value of the Blood of His Son that was shed for you.

It was His precise reason for sending Jesus and the only way to pay a sin debt, owed to Him.

The just for the unjust.

1 Peter 3:18​

“For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:”