1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Because you have no argument. It's just what you want and the rest of us be damned if we don't like it. The power is back with the states like it was supposed to be all along. You shouldn't have legal precedent when it never should have happened. Now each state gets to decide and if you don't agree with your state's view then by all means move to one you agree with. Just remember it's now the state's right to decide and not any of your business what people in other states choose. The irony is delicious.
You want a national abortion ban. Admit it.


Well-Known Member
You want a national abortion ban. Admit it.
I absolutely do. But it's a states rights issue, not a federal one. I doubt in my lifetime or in 10 lifetimes California or New York among others would ever ban abortion. And it looks like most states will have some allowances for abortion to varying degrees.


Well-Known Member
Sure, until you get your way. It should be a federal issue, one of privacy and liberty, and women should have access to safe and legal abortion in all 50 states.
How are we going to get our way when 50 different jurisdictions get to decide according to our federal constitution? The 49 years of trying to get Roe v Wade overturned didn't end abortion. It just made it a more local issue. The majority in each state gets to decide just as they do with every issue not enumerated as federal power in the Constitution.
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Well-Known Member
Allowances for murder??? You don’t say?
In your fanaticism you assume everyone else is a fanatic too. While I understand the desire of many to completely outlaw abortion I personally think it should be available for rape and incest victims as long as it's done early enough. A number of states are looking to allow abortions before there's an independent heartbeat. While I would prefer it only be for rape and incest if the fetus is still just a clump of cells and doesn't have an independent heartbeat, brain waves, or a nervous system that can feel pain then I and I'm guessing a lot of people could make that compromise. What we're seeing on the Left is no willingness to compromise and wanting abortion on demand at any point during the pregnancy. Snarling that you get your way or else and everyone is a :censored2: if they disagree with you doesn't sound like a willingness to rationally approach the subject.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
In your fanaticism you assume everyone else is a fanatic too. While I understand the desire of many to completely outlaw abortion I personally think it should be available for rape and incest victims as long as it's done early enough. A number of states are looking to allow abortions before there's an independent heartbeat. While I would prefer it only be for rape and incest if the fetus is still just a clump of cells and doesn't have an independent heartbeat, brain waves, or a nervous system that can feel pain then I and I'm guessing a lot of people could make that compromise. What we're seeing on the Left is no willingness to compromise and wanting abortion on demand at any point during the pregnancy. Snarling that you get your way or else and everyone is a :censored2: if they disagree with you doesn't sound like a willingness to rationally approach the subject.
Ah I see, it is a complicated issue isn’t it? An issue with a lot of grey area and varying degrees of morality. Maybe it’s best to leave the decision up to those who actually carry the burden, along with the advice of a physician?


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
This is exactly what I didn’t want to get dragged into. You anti-choice religious maniacs take the most extreme examples to argue against.


Well-Known Member
Ah I see, it is a complicated issue isn’t it? An issue with a lot of grey area and varying degrees of morality. Maybe it’s best to leave the decision up to those who actually carry the burden, along with the advice of a physician?
Yes, because a 22 yr old who gets drunk at a bar and goes home with a stranger is obviously the most capable of making life or death decisions.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
This is exactly what I didn’t want to get dragged into. You anti-choice religious maniacs take the most extreme examples to argue against.
Every religious maniac I know is pro choice. They choose to believe the science of today(not the seventies)of what is in the uterus, and choose not to kill babies.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Another fake abortion in the news. The media runs with the term abortion to fit their agenda?

She unfortunately miscarried. The baby passed. Why is she saying she had an abortion performed?



Inordinately Right
This is exactly what I didn’t want to get dragged into. You anti-choice religious maniacs take the most extreme examples to argue against.
So in your mind, everyone who isn't religious believes murder is okay?

I'm not a religious person.
I don't need religion to know that killing babies is wrong.


Inordinately Right
Well what's abortion going to be considered in many states now that Roe has been overturned? I honestly haven't read up on the particulars of that since the Dobbs v Jackson decision.
I can tell you there isn't a single state in the nation where there is a punishment for a woman killing her baby in the womb.

Facts matter.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
If you are pro-abrtion, have the guts to watch an abortion. Seeing arms torn, heads crushed, and legs fall from a woman’s uterus might make you think about the reality it is. Pro-abortion folks think of abortion from a philosophical perspective. It's an idea alright. But, it's a real medical procedure.
What happens to a child during the process is horrifying.
Pro killers use the argument that its better to help a child avoid an abusive situation and a terrible life. Which is it better? Kill the baby now and avoid the abuse altogether or completely deprive the child of a chance at life?
I have to go with give a child a chance at life.
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Well-Known Member