1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I get the leaker dilemma.
But, I don't understand why there is a problem with the decision. The SC simply put abortion where it belongs, the states. It is not a federal issue. If you live in Texas and don't like their abortion laws, drive to New York or California and kill the baby while it's laying on the table.
Shut up abortion clinging dims.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I get the leaker dilemma.
But, I don't understand why there is a problem with the decision. The SC simply put abortion where it belongs, the states. It is not a federal issue. If you live in Texas and don't like their abortion laws, drive to New York or California and kill the baby while it's laying on the table.
What’s wrong with you? The death cult of the democrats demands total obedience and worship. Nothing less will suffice. You will sacrifice and molest your children to satisfy Baal.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Every night the last thing I say in my prayers is that these people will have a change of heart and that all the unborn will see the light of day. I know He said "he who is without sin cast the first stone" but these people need to be stopped. You can compare them to the worse despots in history. Hitler didn't soil his hands with the actual act of genocide, as Kamala, Joe, or Nancy have not used the forceps ,scissors ,and suction themselves .But they are just as guilty . Please look at the picture below and explain how that is not a human , and innocent no less.

3 month fetus.jpg

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
I just received an e-mail from the AFL-CIO supporting reproductive healthcare as workers rights and to organize to reinstate Roe V Wade. Why don't they say lets kill babies ! They compare abortion limitations to "right to work"


Inordinately Right
why are people having abortions?
Because leftists are in a death cult.
Child sacrifice is part of their religion.

It's really not even a new thing, evil people have been killing children as sacrifice to moloch and dozens of other evil gods for millennia.

Modern leftism is a just a rebranding of age old evil. What we need is a biblical style purging like the Israelites did in Canaan.