1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


That’s Craptacular
1/4 women love the idea of abortion but far fewer would actually do so because deep down they know it’s murder and it’s despicable
“Love the idea of abortion”? No, but I am all in favor of not allowing any government to ban forms of birth control….including abortions.

I’m guessing your father wishes he had double bagged it.


Well-Known Member
“Love the idea of abortion”? No, but I am all in favor of not allowing any government to ban forms of birth control….including abortions.

I’m guessing your father wishes he had double bagged it.
Abortion isn’t birth control…a woman and a man have already reproduced once the woman is pregnant. Maybe you should go back to the sixth grade if you don’t understand that.

I’m okay with the government banning murder that’s one thing that a just and moral government should have a role in


Well-Known Member
I guess you don’t have to worry about that.
You can do whatever you want not to get pregnant but once you do there’s another life involved there’s no two ways to spin that

Course the left does because they worship death and Satan for one thing, they support eugenics and want to reduce the population, and most of all they’re making an immense profit off of every abortion


Well-Known Member
Anyone who thinks the abortion racket is anything aside from murder for hire is a fool. Has nothing to do with women’s rights. These people don’t care about women whatsoever. They hate all of humanity


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You can do whatever you want not to get pregnant but once you do there’s another life involved there’s no two ways to spin that

Course the left does because they worship death and Satan for one thing, they support eugenics and want to reduce the population and most of all they’re making an immense profit off of every abortion
It’s cult of death, transgender is another form of it. They take pleasure in defiling themselves.


That’s Craptacular
Abortion isn’t birth control…a woman and a man have already reproduced once the woman is pregnant. Maybe you should go back to the sixth grade if you don’t understand that.

I’m okay with the government banning murder that’s one thing that a just and moral government should have a role in
Birth control pills and plan b pills aren’t birth control? Hmmm interesting. Tell me more about a woman’s reproductive system, since you’re so knowledgeable, Doctor.


Well-Known Member
Just because I personally don’t have to worry about getting pregnant doesn’t change my belief that all women should have the right to choose or that the government shouldn’t be allowed to control a woman’s uterus.
The only thing that happened is it the federal government took their hand out of something it had no business in. If you like abortion, then vote for pro abortion people in your state. If the people in your state don’t want it, they were vote against it. If it’s healthcare like you and pretend it should be an easy sell.
Which weapons did Jesus prefer?
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