1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
I guess...

He could have gone so much farther.

Could have just said it...."There is no constitutional right to an abortion."
I guess you are smarter than him.

The Court created the right in Roe.

He is trying to make clear to all that no such right exists.

He's smarter than you.


Well-Known Member
The place for that is in the court's decision.

What he did was ask her where the right to abortion was in the Constitution. Repeatedly, and watched her squirm into the corner.

The wisdom of that is it uses her lack of a good argument to bring the other justices all the way over to his side, rather than just preaching his own opinion.
Not only the justices, but the people reading the opinion.


Well-Known Member
You do realize women vote..you white guys have great difficulty in understanding DEMOGRAPHICS