1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Bad Moon Risen'
What a place worth conquering. A radioactive wasteland full of dead people. Lol!
Wait a few years. Hiroshima is thriving now.

Besides, if they were smart they'd just take out our power generating and communications capacity. Most of us would starve to death.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Yes, actually, and that's all we would need. A well-armed people can only ultimately be conquered if they quit.

An invasion here would be suicidal for even all the global powers put together.
So much here....that is......just.....not true.

Red China 2 billion people.....India same......

What do you think would happen if 2 billion armed folks showed up here?

Wait for it....we would lose.

And do you think any invasion wouldn't be preceded by a bombardment(of any type)?

A simple understanding of war/tactics would prove this out.

Throughout history.....going back hundreds if not thousands of years reveals bombardment of rocks to nukes. Followed by invasion....you know to "soften up" the defenses.

Catapults, arrows......even stampeding animals. You don't think all the combined Nations on earth couldn't be the USA? I'm a Patriot but.....really?

Would it be catastrophic to us/them? You bet!

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
I really don’t see why smarts would be needed. You don’t kill… period. You don’t have to be a genius to recognize individual right to life. As far as the woman’s rights, she doesn’t have to have sex. The man doesn’t need to get his rocks off. As far as rape and incest, that is also a tragedy that deserves every bit of government funding that we can throw at it to help the woman and child. All the funding that we pay to kill the babies of irresponsible people can be used to help the tragic cases of rape and incest. And religion doesn’t need to play a role because it’s such an obvious violation of human rights. It’s just that religious people are the only ones who care enough to want to do something about it.
You make lot's of declarative statements. Of which many have delicate nuances. If not circumstances. And ONLY religious people.....really?

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
What a place worth conquering. A radioactive wasteland full of dead people. Lol!
How about just waiting? The resources....oil, minerals and all will still be here. And forced slave labor radioactive or not.....

will do just that.....won't have much choice....just like now....work and die or die at the point of a gun.


Well-Known Member
So much here....that is......just.....not true.

Red China 2 billion people.....India same......

What do you think would happen if 2 billion armed folks showed up here?

Wait for it....we would lose.

And do you think any invasion wouldn't be preceded by a bombardment(of any type)?

A simple understanding of war/tactics would prove this out.

Throughout history.....going back hundreds if not thousands of years reveals bombardment of rocks to nukes. Followed by invasion....you know to "soften up" the defenses.

Catapults, arrows......even stampeding animals. You don't think all the combined Nations on earth couldn't be the USA? I'm a Patriot but.....really?

Would it be catastrophic to us/them? You bet!
We couldn't defeat a bunch of goat-screwers and boy-lovers in Afghanistan. Why? Because they didn't want to be ruled and wouldn't submit.

We lost in Vietnam.

We could obliterate any country on earth, but we also cannot defeat 3rd world backwaters.

India and China have no way to mobilize forces across the world, Maintain a supply line across oceans, and conquer a land mass this size, while dealing with 50 different well-armed revolts. It's a joke. Not even close.

The whole world put together could not conquer the United States.


Well-Known Member
So we should abolish our entire military? Why even have a defense budget when @Mattmac0912 and @sailfish are locked and loaded? Surely they can take on Chinese Black Panther tanks.
Did I say we should abolish it?

I corrected the notion that invasion was a threat.

And why would anyone invade when they can just walk in?

A million loyal CCP members already have citizenship. A quarter of Mexico population has moved in. Foreigners are buying up record land amounts.

We've already been invaded. This is how the 21st century does it.


Bad Moon Risen'
We couldn't defeat a bunch of goat-screwers and boy-lovers in Afghanistan. Why? Because they didn't want to be ruled and wouldn't submit.

We lost in Vietnam.

We could obliterate any country on earth, but we also cannot defeat 3rd world backwaters.

India and China have no way to mobilize forces across the world, Maintain a supply line across oceans, and conquer a land mass this size, while dealing with 50 different well-armed revolts. It's a joke. Not even close.

The whole world put together could not conquer the United States.
Why are you wasting your time at UPS. You would be at the top of the class at West Point.


Well-Known Member
Why are you wasting your time at UPS. You would be at the top of the class at West Point.
More ignorance.

These topics are not covered much in undergrad, when West Point has a thousand other things to teach.

But you've probably never even hear of the Army War College, where strategic training and discussions actually take place.


Bad Moon Risen'
More ignorance.

These topics are not covered much in undergrad, when West Point has a thousand other things to teach.

But you've probably never even hear of the Army War College, where strategic training and discussions actually take place.
Wasn't allowed in with my bone spurs.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
So much here....that is......just.....not true.

Red China 2 billion people.....India same......

What do you think would happen if 2 billion armed folks showed up here?

Wait for it....we would lose.

And do you think any invasion wouldn't be preceded by a bombardment(of any type)?

A simple understanding of war/tactics would prove this out.

Throughout history.....going back hundreds if not thousands of years reveals bombardment of rocks to nukes. Followed by invasion....you know to "soften up" the defenses.

Catapults, arrows......even stampeding animals. You don't think all the combined Nations on earth couldn't be the USA? I'm a Patriot but.....really?

Would it be catastrophic to us/them? You bet!
So…….many……..periods…….can’t help…..myself! 😂😂😂😂

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
You make lot's of declarative statements. Of which many have delicate nuances. If not circumstances. And ONLY religious people.....really?
Excuse me if I’m wrong. I’ve only ever seen religious folks standing outside abortion clinics trying to actually talk the women out of their abortion. 🤷‍♂️ Which of my “declarative” statements have delicate nuances?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Excuse me if I’m wrong. I’ve only ever seen religious folks standing outside abortion clinics trying to actually talk the women out of their abortion. 🤷‍♂️ Which of my “declarative” statements have delicate nuances?
Come to think of it, I've never seen a hospital called The Atheist Children's Hospital.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Excuse me if I’m wrong. I’ve only ever seen religious folks standing outside abortion clinics trying to actually talk the women out of their abortion. 🤷‍♂️ Which of my “declarative” statements have delicate nuances?
So only folks standing outside a clinic care? Really? That's it?

Yes, delicate nuances....

If you think every pregnancy is the same.....you are being obtuse or not paying attention.

Billions of people don't even believe in God....we'll start there.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
We couldn't defeat a bunch of goat-screwers and boy-lovers in Afghanistan. Why? Because they didn't want to be ruled and wouldn't submit.

We lost in Vietnam.

We could obliterate any country on earth, but we also cannot defeat 3rd world backwaters.

India and China have no way to mobilize forces across the world, Maintain a supply line across oceans, and conquer a land mass this size, while dealing with 50 different well-armed revolts. It's a joke. Not even close.

The whole world put together could not conquer the United States.
We didn't win in Vietnam or Afghanistan because we weren't allowed to. For political reasons. Or finished Iraq in 1991.....

The whole world huh?....dude.