Just because you don't want over-time doesn't mean everyone else doesn't want it. Healthcare and pension is where the problems are and that's not even a contract issue. The Union officials just steal more of it away year after year. Started UPS when I was 18, used to think I could put 30 years in and get out of there at 48 years old. Now you have to be 57 or older to get insurance and you get docked 2% of your pension for every year you retire before 62? WTF is this crap? Age discrimination to younger people, if I put in the time I should get what anyone older than me gets that has the same years put in, age should not be a factor and why would it be a factor? Time put in is time put in.
As far as contract, I want to see higher wages, something in the contract that stops UPS from trying to get us to sign every little piece of paper they can when they have a "new issue" that they like to harp on. I sign my paycheck and thats it boys and girls, you sign anything other than that you are giving UPS more ways to fire you. There was once a day when what you left the building with is all you had to do for the day, anything more and it was called extra work and you had the option to do this work or not, they could not force you to do anymore than that, I want to see all these OCA pickups treated as extra work and can be refused. Now we have ground in the mix of these OCA and half of them are ARS packages. I had 5 the other hit me and they where not all right next to each other, spread out all over my route oops I mean UPS's route that I run for them. This added a lot of extra time to the route for the day and 4 of them had to be done by 5 pm. Yeah like I need that pressure on top of just getting the route itself done. Seems like UPS is trying to fire anyone for anything, this fear factor they are using is crap and should be stopped now. Made a delivery the other day, nobody there, people call UPS they want the package that day, Supervisor instructs me to go back and deliver it. I argue a bit with them as it's Monday and it's part of the split I get off the normal area I run. I call Union Steward and he says don't refuse to do it as long as it's not unsafe, immoral and some other crap cause if I refuse to do as told I will be fire. Wow thanks Union, wtf are you? This **** needs to stop, I want to go to work every day knowing will I have a job at the end of the day as long as I don't steal or get in a fist fight with someone, at one time that was about the only way you could get fired for. I want to feel secure and protected again.