2008 Contract Issues


Well-Known Member
I'll be glad if they don't mess with our insurance. I'm an inside employee and Sat air driver. Hired in under a contract where families were fully covered for no extra charge.

Somewhat fearful that they will try to take the family insurance coverage away. dw


We had 200 grievences in South Florida that were not being taken care of in a longer time frame then that ! $16.50 a week to be treated like a worthless smuck ! Can`t retire early and a diappearing pension fund and cheapening insurance benifits from the "Best Contract Ever" What a major disappointment for those so honored by the teamsters . If your spouse treated you this way you would have been running for the door by now !


Staff member
"its a fair question don't you think?"

It's not a fair question at all, Tie.

It would be fair (perhaps) if whenever we were over 9.5, the double time penalty was paid for by the center manager (NOT UPS).

Wow! I'm going to suggest that to Eskew. Forced OT would be a thing of the past. And it's such an easy fix!


Retired 23 years
what's the company and the union going for next time- a 10 year contract? I liked working under the old 3 year contracts. Who knows, maybe the day will come when you hire on you sign a lifetime contract.


Just because you don't want over-time doesn't mean everyone else doesn't want it. Healthcare and pension is where the problems are and that's not even a contract issue. The Union officials just steal more of it away year after year. Started UPS when I was 18, used to think I could put 30 years in and get out of there at 48 years old. Now you have to be 57 or older to get insurance and you get docked 2% of your pension for every year you retire before 62? WTF is this crap? Age discrimination to younger people, if I put in the time I should get what anyone older than me gets that has the same years put in, age should not be a factor and why would it be a factor? Time put in is time put in.

As far as contract, I want to see higher wages, something in the contract that stops UPS from trying to get us to sign every little piece of paper they can when they have a "new issue" that they like to harp on. I sign my paycheck and thats it boys and girls, you sign anything other than that you are giving UPS more ways to fire you. There was once a day when what you left the building with is all you had to do for the day, anything more and it was called extra work and you had the option to do this work or not, they could not force you to do anymore than that, I want to see all these OCA pickups treated as extra work and can be refused. Now we have ground in the mix of these OCA and half of them are ARS packages. I had 5 the other hit me and they where not all right next to each other, spread out all over my route oops I mean UPS's route that I run for them. This added a lot of extra time to the route for the day and 4 of them had to be done by 5 pm. Yeah like I need that pressure on top of just getting the route itself done. Seems like UPS is trying to fire anyone for anything, this fear factor they are using is crap and should be stopped now. Made a delivery the other day, nobody there, people call UPS they want the package that day, Supervisor instructs me to go back and deliver it. I argue a bit with them as it's Monday and it's part of the split I get off the normal area I run. I call Union Steward and he says don't refuse to do it as long as it's not unsafe, immoral and some other crap cause if I refuse to do as told I will be fire. Wow thanks Union, wtf are you? This **** needs to stop, I want to go to work every day knowing will I have a job at the end of the day as long as I don't steal or get in a fist fight with someone, at one time that was about the only way you could get fired for. I want to feel secure and protected again.
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I think the law demands that management provide a one hour lunch period to drivers

From what we have heard there is every indication the contract talks will start early for 2008. What the biggest issues you want to resolved for the new contract. I , personally want to see strong wordage in the over 9.5 clause , if the company wants to sent us with 10 hour dispatches , why not make then pay double time for everything past 9.5. How about reducing lunch to thirty minutes instead of 1 hour.


Well-Known Member
Someone needs to talk to the National Guard and Reserve UPSers about contract language. What I would like to see is, (1) UPS make up the difference in the gross income to equal 8 hours pay per day anytime a workday is missed due to military service, no matter if it is federal or state duty, training or a mission, voluntary duty or being activated. (2)All insurance and pension benefits are paid the entire time the employee is away from work for military service{this is for the family's benefit}. (3)Immediate reinstatement to work, the employee must inform UPS of the date they will be returning as soon as it is known, and provide documentation for the time missed upon returning to work. (4)All other userra laws still apply.

UPS claims to support and promote community service and involvment, so I think UPS should support employees that serve their neighbors, their states, and our nation. May GOD bless those who have served, who are serving now, and those who will in the future.

So whats your point? I am an officer in the Guard, and this is how every employer handles it, not just UPS. Every place I have ever worked does it the same way. UPS and all companies are required to give you x amount of days of Military leave, in which you will get a regular full pay. After you are out of days, UPS and the other companies will reimburse you to make up for a 40 hour week. By law UPS doesn't have to give you anything after your military leave runs out, but they do, you have no clue what you are talking about, because by law they do not have to give you a thing after your 5 or 10 days a year of Military Leave a year have run out, by law they just have to hold your job. Why would UPS or any other company for that matter give you a 40 hour paycheck, on top of your gov't paycheck, when you aren't even there to earn the 40 hours? Sounds stupid to me!


Well-Known Member
All these issues I have sat here and read suggest one thing to me, time for a change. Most everyone here is sick and tired of losing benefits and pension. Some want the change to the APWA some don't. Those same who do not still complain though about not trusting Hoffa and the teamsters but want to stick with them. They are taking away our future, they are taking away our family security, how much longer do you want to stand by and watch it leave?I also want a 3 year contract, raises can go to my pension and welfare as far as I am concerned. I want my wife to keep my pension if something would happen to me and not have to take a cut to keep it, I also want her to have insurance coverage at that time.Start talking in your centers about the APWA. Then contact them @ apwa or Parcelworkers - A NEW LOOK! WHAT MAKES THIS UNION LOOK DIFFERENT'' . Ask questions they will answer you, they want to see you suceed in your career, unlike the teamsters they are not there for the UPS cash cow.Take a stand vote for THE APWA!!!!!


We should be held accountable for bad mistakes like missing a pick up fo 50 air boxes not fired for having a bulk head door open or forgetting a cross t on a box. There is too much nit picking and vindictiveness.

Ever see a hand cart come flying through an open bulkhead door? I saw one that almost ripped a drivers arm off his shoulder. You sure we are nit picking?


Tie, an unsecured bulkhead door is the drivers fault.
being overdispatched is another story.


All these issues I have sat here and read suggest one thing to me, time for a change. Most everyone here is sick and tired of losing benefits and pension. Some want the change to the APWA some don't. Those same who do not still complain though about not trusting Hoffa and the teamsters but want to stick with them. They are taking away our future, they are taking away our family security, how much longer do you want to stand by and watch it leave?I also want a 3 year contract, raises can go to my pension and welfare as far as I am concerned. I want my wife to keep my pension if something would happen to me and not have to take a cut to keep it, I also want her to have insurance coverage at that time.Start talking in your centers about the APWA. Then contact them @ apwa or Parcelworkers - A NEW LOOK!* WHAT MAKES THIS UNION LOOK DIFFERENT''* . Ask questions they will answer you, they want to see you suceed in your career, unlike the teamsters they are not there for the UPS cash cow.Take a stand vote for THE APWA!!!!!

This is all good except the part about raises. I want my raise, period, bottom line no exception. Every year the cost of living goes up, cars, homes, gas, milk, clothes and so on. In the 80's the driver pay was pretty good, our current pay really isn't that great anymore. People used to freak when you told them a top scale driver pay then, now it's like they don't even flinch when you tell them. We have fallen behind on this. I see estates after estates with over 200 homes at $300k and up houses with a Lexus and Escalade in the driveway all over the place. Where the heck do these people work? This is Kansas City North I live in, just a small part of K.C. not very many big companies here and there can't possibly be that many Doctors and Attorneys here either.

Also if the APWA gets us out of this multi employer pension crap that is sucking up our pension why should we have to give more then than we do now?


Well-Known Member
Attention to detail there SIR!, read my post again. I suggested the difference between the gross military income and 8 hours pay per day.

To your other points, nowhere in the USERRA laws does it state that your employer has to give you pay while away in the service of the uniformed services. I don't receive any pay from UPS while I'm away for A/T or gone to military school, and I was told that I would only get the "compensation pay" if I were activated directly in support of "The Global War on Terror", and that pay would only be in effect for one year, in what is normaly an 18+ month deployment.
I have never heard of this "X amount of days military leave" that you are writing about, if I get orders to go somewhere then I'm going, and USERRA law states that UPS "holds my job" as long as I meet the requirements under the law. Now there is a part of USERRA that has a five year cumulative service stipulation, but that is for someone that is employed somewhere and joins the active component of the Armed Services and wishes to return to the same place of employment when their military service is complete.

Sir,if the laws you wrote about actually do exist please post them here so I will be able to get my UPS pay for A/T last month and in the future.

I understand that the law doesn't obligate UPS to pay me anything while I'm gone, but at the same time the law only requires UPS to pay $5.15/hr and that's why I put the words "like to see".

With my military pay and allowances for food and housing, at my pay grade, we are not talking about a whole lot of money, if any. If UPS could get some good PR out of giving me a little extra, you could bet those dollars that they would be grinning from ear to ear when they gave me the check. I'll get off my soapbox now, but one last thing. I'll still put on my "browns" tomarrow and work hard for the company and I'll still wear the uniform of my country as long as GOD will allow me, but there is only one of those two that I would do for NO money at all. MAY GOD BLESS US ALL!


Well-Known Member
KC I totally agree with you I'm just saying for me I want to see us truly taken care of when it comes time to retire and make sure our families are also we do need to keep getting raises especially those with young families and kids getting ready for college. They need the chance to keep up with the inflation rate as without raises it would pass our pay up in a hurry didn't mean for it to sound like I never wanted more $s per hour I just want what we should fairly get, that we currently do not get


Well-Known Member
Glad to see someone put this in 3brownstars I believe they should go out of their way to take care of our military people, God Bless Them All


Well-Known Member
Also I would like to say a BIG ...... THANKYOU!! to all of you who do serve I am one that appreciates all our military does for us again God Bless You All
With all the genious of IE, why cant we have a reliable and SAFE place tho store our hand carts? 90% of the time, we have to strap them into the side of the cab with the seatbelt. Supposedly this is a big no no, but where the heck else can they go when the dispatch can't even fit your full load in your car? It'd be great if we had a cart holder on the rear of the vehicle, but I'm sure UPS would fret over possible lawsuits. Why do you think your sunvisor is transparent ....geeesh!


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
With all the genious of IE, why cant we have a reliable and SAFE place tho store our hand carts? 90% of the time, we have to strap them into the side of the cab with the seatbelt. Supposedly this is a big no no, but where the heck else can they go when the dispatch can't even fit your full load in your car? It'd be great if we had a cart holder on the rear of the vehicle, but I'm sure UPS would fret over possible lawsuits. Why do you think your sunvisor is transparent ....geeesh!

I thought that it was put in the contract that everyone would have hand trucks and that a bracket or holder for them would be installed in all the Package Cars. What happened to that? Where I am at, drivers have to lock them up to something so they don't "walk off by themselves".:confused:1