Well-Known Member
Almost wonSo you acknowledge that I have and do "throw my hat in the ring"???, while you hide behind your anonymity.
First time I ran as an "eleventh hour" part time trustee addition to a slate, the last time for the Vice President position in my local (and I almost won).
In the end it's not for everybody, and obviously, everybody couldn't and shouldn't run for union office.
What's stale is your tactics in trying to squelch those who are voicing their opinions by emasculating them with phrases like "throw your hat in the ring", "son", "boy", etc., as well as insisting for proof of contrary statements, while representing yourself as beyond refute in your own unsubstantiated statements.
In the end, the only qualification for someone to voice an opinion on this subject is that they be a dues paying member or retiree of our union.
One day you and your bell ringers might realize that these tactics work in reverse with many and only serve to fan the flames of change.
So, by all means, keep it up.
I am not trying to squelch anyone.
As far as keep it up. I plan on it but thanks for the encouragement.