Why would anyone be afraid to debate RH? He has zero accomplishments.
The only reason Hoffa has him on his Eboard is because he knows the SoCal has a bunch of Mexican thugs that will vote for a cholo looking buffoon that looks like them. Why would Hoffa choose Andy M as Western Package Director and not a cholo looking

like RH? RHs performance at sanitation is a good example of failure. In 17 years he's gotten a max of 10. cents in pension per year for sanitation, not very impressive. How many of the 30+ sanitation yards 396 represents make over $1.65 in pension per hour? ZERO!
RH is Hoffa's token to get the SoCal Cholo vote, we all know that. But what happened to RHs cholo squad last November? Why did Fred Z and Teamsters United win 396? Yup, Hoffa was upset the Vatos Locos Forever didn't vote for Hoffa and H.
As for a debate?
Anyone can debate RH on $1.25 in pension diversion on inferior coverage that forces members to punch in once a week or loss coverage. Of course RH didn't come up with this, but he supported it because of his own incompetence. You can debate him on the fact he's not even Package Director or the fact he's not even a trustee of the "carve-out." Why does a BA like Andy M have more authority than the Western Region VP at UPS? RH accept the fact you're just a token!!!
How about RHs failure as National Sanitation Director? Can you believe local's around the country representing sanitation yards get more in pension contributions than 396 members? Who should we blame for that? The only one responsible for the failure of sanitation at 396 is RH and the inept cholo BAs he continuously hires!
RH, you better pray to god the two opposition slates do not unite because you will not only lose, you will be humiliated. People at UPS hate the carve-out and at sanitation their .10 cent pension increases and zero job protection.
RHs support has eroded. Even the Vatos Locos Forever from La Primera and 18th Street to name a few are jumping ship!