Yes my brother we are not expecting ups pension but we have been getting 10c pension increase in the last contracts.
25c increase per hour and above We think is affordable for this sanitation companies.
Waste management
Republic services
Ware disposal
Universal disposal
Nasa diaposal
Athens disposal
Calmet disposal
They just got a exclusive contract with the city of los angeles.No body else will pick up trash in the city only this companies.
Waste management 14billions in revenues last year.
Republic 11billions
In sanitation we never got organized.We had a shop steward JC anahiem pushing together with our local to get this contracts.We understand is in part our fault for trusting them.But our union lies intimidation tactics and misinformation contributed.
25c increase per hour and above We think is affordable for this sanitation companies.
Waste management
Republic services
Ware disposal
Universal disposal
Nasa diaposal
Athens disposal
Calmet disposal
They just got a exclusive contract with the city of los angeles.No body else will pick up trash in the city only this companies.
Waste management 14billions in revenues last year.
Republic 11billions
In sanitation we never got organized.We had a shop steward JC anahiem pushing together with our local to get this contracts.We understand is in part our fault for trusting them.But our union lies intimidation tactics and misinformation contributed.