2020 candidates


Got the T-Shirt


Strength through joy
Elizabeth Warren on Thursday rolled out a plan to “decriminalize” immigration violations, welcome more refugees and focus enforcement on security threats, offering a pro-immigration vision in sharp contrast to President Donald Trump’s restrictive focus.

The Democratic presidential candidate said the Trump administration’s harsh treatment of asylum-seeking migrants -- including the separation of undocumented children and parents at the border -- was based on a law, known as Section 1325, that imposes criminal penalties for improperly entering the U.S. She called for repealing the provision and said she’d use executive power to reduce its enforcement as president.

“We should repeal this criminal prohibition to prevent future abuse,” Warren wrote in a Medium.com post, vowing that as president she would “immediately issue guidance to end criminal prosecutions for simple administrative immigration violations” and “refocus our limited resources on actual criminals and real threats.”

Does that mean when she's POTUS she'll let these new immigrants stay at her empty Cambridge, Ma home, right in the middle of Harvard Square ?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Elizabeth Warren on Thursday rolled out a plan to “decriminalize” immigration violations, welcome more refugees and focus enforcement on security threats, offering a pro-immigration vision in sharp contrast to President Donald Trump’s restrictive focus.

The Democratic presidential candidate said the Trump administration’s harsh treatment of asylum-seeking migrants -- including the separation of undocumented children and parents at the border -- was based on a law, known as Section 1325, that imposes criminal penalties for improperly entering the U.S. She called for repealing the provision and said she’d use executive power to reduce its enforcement as president.

“We should repeal this criminal prohibition to prevent future abuse,” Warren wrote in a Medium.com post, vowing that as president she would “immediately issue guidance to end criminal prosecutions for simple administrative immigration violations” and “refocus our limited resources on actual criminals and real threats.”

Does that mean when she's POTUS she'll let these new immigrants stay at her empty Cambridge, Ma home, right in the middle of Harvard Square ?
It means she’ll stop CBP from kidnapping and torturing children. Sounds like a good plan to me.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Amazing that so many conservatives give Trump reach arounds with one hand and Clinton/Biden slaps with the other when the topic of transgressions against women comes up.
Not really ... this is a political forum and although Trump is the reluctant Repug, it’s Dimwits versus Repugs.
No logic or reason is involved .. just a disingenuous silly game.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Not really ... this is a political forum and although Trump is the reluctant Repug, it’s Dimwits versus Repugs.
No logic or reason is involved .. just a disingenuous silly game.

Sure. But if you attack Trump opponents for their ways with women you're just leaving your own rear wide open to attack over Trump's own philandering ways.