2020 candidates


Well-Known Member
Kamala Harris Criticized For Capitalizing On Debate Comments, Selling $30 ‘That Little Girl Was Me’ T-shirts The Next Day

The debate was Thursday. She had the shirt ready to go and was selling it on Friday. Reports were that she was planning on ambushing Biden on the question for awhile.
According to Tucker Carlson her school had already been integrated for some time and that she came from a life of privilege. Geez, is there an honest Democrat out there?


nowhere special
According to Tucker Carlson her school had already been integrated for some time and that she came from a life of privilege. Geez, is there an honest Democrat out there?
It was integrated but not "officially". So ignore what you see until the government tells you to look.


Well-Known Member
According to Tucker Carlson her school had already been integrated for some time and that she came from a life of privilege. Geez, is there an honest Democrat out there?

Tucker Carlson, lulz.

K. Harris’ story has been validated by several news organizations.

I don’t care one way or another, but stop lying.


Well-Known Member
Tucker Carlson, lulz.

K. Harris’ story has been validated by several news organizations.

I don’t care one way or another, but stop lying.
Name the organizations. Her father I believe was a professor at Stanford. She went to high school in Montreal, Canada. And she was attacking Biden on his stance on busing, which he not only was against, but most Blacks at the time were against. The idea that she wouldn't have gotten a decent education were it not for busing is laughable, right up there with Hillary saying she dodged sniper bullets in Sarajevo.


Well-Known Member
According to Tucker Carlson her school had already been integrated for some time and that she came from a life of privilege. Geez, is there an honest Democrat out there?

the answer is no. thanks for playing

California has not be segregated since 1943. K. Harris was supposedly on the second wave of desegregation in what the early 70's? Perhaps her bus was driving through time?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
If she was a man would you dismiss her for being mean?
Probably if the style was the same. Prosecutors are jerks that will lie all day to get convictions. I’ve listened to a few long interviews with Kamala, and I don’t believe a thing she says, she’s not genuine at all. Her lawyer attack mode can be appropriate in hearings, I just think it comes off as mean spirited in a debate. It doesn’t represent the positive message I look for.


Got the T-Shirt
Crazy Bernie

Flying 1st class.... to the debates.


He slams the "rich" for living luxurious lifestyles.