No emotion, i’m just telling you it won’t be on the table. I agree with you there’s lots of problems. Giving this company any sort of wiggle room to use lesser drivers Will not help that,as the last four years have proven.
Don’t be upset at people who man sacrificed and given their time Blood sweat and tears to keep these jobs full-time. There is some emotion in that.
I can accept that about it being emotional for some people, but they should just state their feelings, then bow out so people can discuss the issue dispassionately and maybe come up with a workable solution that we can run up the chain.
I wouldn't count on the idea not being on the table. That's why we need to be prepared to counter with something better and get the most out of the leverage the situation gives us, and to avoid getting backed into a corner and either forced to strike of give concessions.
The problem we face is that splitting the schedules between m-friend, T-s and S-Th is that it will create overlaps and we'll have too many drivers tues -thursday and not enough Friday - Monday. Which will lead to forced extra punches on the weekends and lay offs during the week. That's clearly unacceptable. Plus, it put's 2/3's of all drivers working a weekend day. Having 1/3 working Saturday was the entire reason for the 22.4 debacle.
One way to even out the work load/employees to do it would be to create a Friday -Momday schedule, which would have to be 4 10 hr days. That would drive it up to 75% of drivers working weekends.
Now, the above sounds pretty crappy, and PT Weekend drivers are unacceptable, so what other options do we have? How about make the weekend drivers a full time position, with a definite schedule on Sat and Sunday, and cover driving during the week. With added language increasing the number of people who can request off to the point of being able to accommodate full time hours for the weekend guys. If that doesn't get them to full time hours, they can bump into the inside work.
This is all.hypothetical, we can ask for anything we want here. Maybe we can even come up with a goid idea or two.