2023 contract

For example their new trick is to code everyone 05 in there and I have board in the morning I raised a huge stink about it this morning and they changed it back. I explain to the Center Manager the contract clearly states the only person that can break my guarantee is me not you.
We have very good '05 code language but the company still tries it abusive especially during the holidays


Well-Known Member
Another swarmy little bit of BS they’re calling drivers who have misloads telling them to sheet them as closed before five because they said we called the customer and they say they’re closed. I also brought that up to the Center Manager and said we’re not doing that how do we know if somebody’s not waiting for that package after closing? And I’ve had people get terminated for not being at the stop. It’s either missed or delivered after five sorry.


Well-Known Member
Seriously I I am done with people have no clue how this place works.
Fudge it
Swear to God
I feel ya, but if that’s the case we’re gonna be done with most the people. They don’t see everything and that part is not their fault. It’s difficult for most people to wrap their head around the idea that it’s us against them all the time it’s like a battlefield at work. Most people would rather ignore it or pretend that’s not the case.
I feel ya, but if that’s the case we’re gonna be done with most the people. They don’t see everything and that part is not their fault. It’s difficult for most people to wrap their head around the idea that it’s us against them all the time it’s like a battlefield at work. Most people would rather ignore it or pretend that’s not the case.
Seriously I'm tired of going with stupid freaking people.
Uninformed people get exactly what they deserve


I'm a star
Driving is a full-time job unless you're a cover driver.
But guess what you want to give up your rights knock yourself out this current generation of people that vote here will get absolutely what they deserve.

Go ahead and vote yourself out of a job

I swear to God some of these people need to grow a pair of balls

No part time drivers, except the part time drivers. Lol. Clearly you're too emotionally invested to talk about this rationally. Go do something relaxing


I'm a star
It won’t be on the table.

I don't care. I'm just trying to talk about the possibility, and all I get is over-emotional nonsense replies. There's a good reason why M-friend, T-S and S-Th will be a problem, everyone's schedule overlaps 3 days, routes and schedules will have to be split up, and so on. Unless we come up with a workable solution, they're going to create a giant mess that we will all have to live with, because no one thought it out, or cried about it when they tried.


Well-Known Member
I don't care. I'm just trying to talk about the possibility, and all I get is over-emotional nonsense replies. There's a good reason why M-friend, T-S and S-Th will be a problem, everyone's schedule overlaps 3 days, routes and schedules will have to be split up, and so on. Unless we come up with a workable solution, they're going to create a giant mess that we will all have to live with, because no one thought it out, or cried about it when they tried.
No emotion, i’m just telling you it won’t be on the table. I agree with you there’s lots of problems. Giving this company any sort of wiggle room to use lesser drivers Will not help that,as the last four years have proven.
Don’t be upset at people who man sacrificed and given their time Blood sweat and tears to keep these jobs full-time. There is some emotion in that.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
No part time drivers, except the part time drivers. Lol. Clearly you're too emotionally invested to talk about this rationally. Go do something relaxing
Art 40 opened the door on PT drivers along with PT single day vacation coverage drivers. Look at how the company has abused these positions. There was a time that unless you were in a FT package car driver position, you did not drive or deliver packages.


I don't care. I'm just trying to talk about the possibility, and all I get is over-emotional nonsense replies. There's a good reason why M-friend, T-S and S-Th will be a problem, everyone's schedule overlaps 3 days, routes and schedules will have to be split up, and so on. Unless we come up with a workable solution, they're going to create a giant mess that we will all have to live with, because no one thought it out, or cried about it when they tried.
Your little plan is laughable use seniority to decide which days you work the more seniority you have the better days you get to work