2023 contract


Not new hires
Believe it or not just last year across the country there was locations where an 18 yr old kid without a high school diploma could walk into a ups building and get an MRA rate of the highest I seen was 28 an hour …28 an hour starting , day 1 to an unqualified uneducated child….if they can do that(which happened just last year/this year) they can easily , without missing a beat pay all new hires 20 an hr…:censored2: right now it’s 18.50
Exactly no new hire should get 30 an hour…I never said that I said a new hire gets 20 an hour, 20 an hour in the state of New York is what they pay at target , fed ex, Amazon , McDonald’s in nyc is 20 an hour …it’s UPS it’s 2022..pre loaders can and should easily be paid 20 an hour
But do those other places offer the same benefit package as UPS?

What part time job offers a pension and 100% paid


Inordinately Right
Believe it or not just last year across the country there was locations where an 18 yr old kid without a high school diploma could walk into a ups building and get an MRA rate of the highest I seen was 28 an hour …28 an hour starting , day 1 to an unqualified uneducated child….if they can do that(which happened just last year/this year) they can easily , without missing a beat pay all new hires 20 an hr…:censored2: right now it’s 18.50
If the company is already forced to pay that in order to get employees, it doesn't seem worth negotiating.


Well-Known Member
But do those other places offer the same benefit package as UPS?

What part time job offers a pension and 100% paid
If people only understood how good that healthcare is and what it could do for you in case of some sort of tragedy they would not be so quick to dismiss this job and the opportunity it provides. I can promise you it is literally worth millions if something bad happens.
If people only understood how good that healthcare is and what it could do for you in case of some sort of tragedy they would not be so quick to dismiss this job and the opportunity it provides. I can promise you it is literally worth millions if something bad happens.
When you're young you don't get the big picture they just see today and now
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Well-Known Member
Lower ft pay rate to $25/hr. They get healthcare. They need to get the big picture. They are lucky to have jobs.
Personally I don’t have a problem with everyone making the same amount although I’m not quite certain how someone could possibly earn on a living with a guarantee of 3 1/2 hours a day. The whole point of moving towards full-time is because that is what actually pushes people into the middle class. I spent eight years part-time and in 1997 I walk the picket line with a sign that says “part-time America doesn’t work”.


Well-Known Member
When you're young you don't get the big picture they just see today and now

A couple bills like this will wake people up.


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't be pension checks either. Once you stop working you stop getting paid. Pay better while working, good 401K match, eliminate all the retiree stuff. That is what should happen for all new hires.
Lol sounds like a butt hurt management person who lost their pension.


Active Member
Far as the loaders getting paid overtime for the six punch that's in your local supplement.

Wouldn't used to have that until we got that negotiated in

They're not going to pay loaders $30 an hour when a new driver is only making $21 per hour
If starting loader pay goes to $20 then top loader pay should be no more than $5/hr higher than that. $21 for a first year 22.4 is fine but the progression should be much faster. Once you get a year in you should go up fast in pay. Instead of say $21, 22,23,30. Do something like $21, 25, 30, 35. Same for RPCDs, go to $23, 30, 35, top. Progression is too slow, the raise from 3rd to 4th year is crazy. Give a bigger raise in years 2 and 3.
If starting loader pay goes to $20 then top loader pay should be no more than $5/hr higher than that. $21 for a first year 22.4 is fine but the progression should be much faster. Once you get a year in you should go up fast in pay. Instead of say $21, 22,23,30. Do something like $21, 25, 30, 35. Same for RPCDs, go to $23, 30, 35, top. Progression is too slow, the raise from 3rd to 4th year is crazy. Give a bigger raise in years 2 and 3.
They're going to have to do something because $20 isn't going to attract a lot of qualified drivers


Active Member
22.4 was a terrible solution to weekend work. The easiest, maybe even the only, way to deal with weekend work and keep most people on M-friend is to create a part time driver position. I would be pretty happy to work two tens on the weekends and fill in during the week from time to time. The contractual details might be difficult to sort out, but it would be way easier to deal with on an operational level.
Same pay scale as RPCDs or do you screw them like the rest of the part timers?


Active Member
It’s a part time job you want more
Get a full time job
Tired of these part timers whining about what they want and don’t want
Same job, should be same hourly rate. No reason it wouldn't be. May not get all the same benefits but hourly rate should be equal, obviously. Tired of these full timers thinking they are better than part timers doing the same job for the same company. Crazy.