Well-Known Member
that was more directed at bellesmom...
Okay drewed, we checked with state and were told airport land is owned by FAA, all business there lease their land and buildings and state rules do not apply.
that was more directed at bellesmom...
Chanel 8 reported 250 layoffs at DFW . 1/22/09
I think UPS is playing a very deadly game with the local over at DFW right now since the local is being blown off by this number 250 and also another 250 for some reason. Here in Seattle, the volume are picking up on such next day, 2 day and 3 day due to close of DHL business for Seattle. One more week then DHL is gone so we should seek more volume pick up. Also next Friday, we will see a vote count and most of our workers will be over at the union hall to oversees the ballot and see what can go from there. Hopefully we'll see what the outcome is.
The ballot is being counted today! Lets hope everyone decided to vote yes! I can't wait to be able to double at a time other than peak again.
conference call for 22.3 feb 15 4pm central
I did got an e-mail from them about the conference call but I don't know if it will work on my computer. I rather have it posted the news on it's website of knowing what their news is instead of having using it as a conference call.