It is the same way in my building as well, and when I went to see my parents in Memphis Tennessee, I spoke with the driver who picks up everyday from my step dad's business and he told me the 22.3 jobs are bid the same way as they are here, and where you are.
Yes it sucks thats how it is, and what will happen most of the time is that very junior package car drivers will take the easy/easy 22.3 jobs and completely shaft a part timer whose been waiting for years for a full time job but can't physically handle package driving or they just plain ol don't want to do it. Have fun working till your 80 like Mr. Peters.
The union will say "well its like that because thats how it is" or "its designed that way to give the old timers a way out before they retire"
bull****. absolute bull****. The senior drivers have it so good comparitively and they make 70-80k a year. So they can't AFFORD to go to a 22.3 job, thats a huge paycut going from 80k to around 40k a year. The junior guys aren't a top rate yet, and its an easy way out of driving to make the same money to push a broom and then be a clerk or carwasher. I'd make that move myself. Meanwhile, the part timers in the clerk/carwash/porter jobs will get sent back to preload or reload and just be told "sorry, thats how it is." Exactly what happened to all of our air drivers, they all got shafted took a big paycut and sent back down to preload or reload. You won't find a 22.3 guy doing the hard jobs like the sort aisle or unload though. The union will make a 45-50 year old worker get banished back to those jobs first.
Now that you know how screwed you are with those jobs as a part timer, and how the company is rumored to move our gurantee back to 3 hours a shift and probably no pay raise AGAIN - when do you start to stop barking and start biting? I'm a steward and I hear a lot of crying, but when I say go to the union meetings, raise hell get involved - they won't show. The full timers may have complete control of us in the work place, but our vote still counts as much as theirs.
Get involved, get others involved. The part timers could basically RUN this union but we allow ourselves to get **** on left and right.
You ready to go out there and strike for the full timers though because they weren't far sighted enough to learn from the airline industry, steel industry and now auto industry? As far as I am concerned, I don't feel sorry for the guys who have relied 100% on central states since DAY 1 and got screwed. They're complete fools to rely on a company and/or a union with their retirement fund.