22.4s family lives Don't matter.


Well-Known Member
Being a 22.4 is even worse if you're in the Atlantic Area.

Thanks Johnny!


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browned out

Well-Known Member
Some part timers are working two jobs for less money and commuting equaling 60 hours. There are plenty of people that are going to take that job trust me. We have had two tier drivers since 1997 and the positions are always filled by someone that needs the money for their family.

I agree but UPS and the Teamsters should not be using the "We care about employees family time" while creating a position that will have NO OT protections. No need for UPS or the Teamsters to be dishonest..

A 22.4 employees family time is just as important as a RPCDs family time. There is no difference.

Why not offer 9.5 protections to 22.4s? Why not offer OT to those who want it? If UPS truly cares about family time; offer OT to RPCDs 1st, then offer OT to 22.4s and force in REVERSE? Seems pretty straight forward?


Well-Known Member
The Union is not being forthright. We are not all stupid here. But some are naive due to not being informed. Part-timers should be explicitly informed of the fact that if they go 22.4 full time; they will have no OT protection and have to work up to 60 hours or more per week. UPS stating that they care about employees family time is disingenuous at best. This Contract only increases excessive OT. How can UPS and the Teamsters give no OT protections to at least 25% of the full time employees FOR 5 YEARS - Indefinitely?

If 22.4s were allowed to be on the 9.5 list; they still could be forced to be at work for 11 hours due to the possible 1 and half hour wait between shifts. WITH NO 9.5 PROTECTIONS; 22.4S COULD BE FORCED TO BE AT UPS FOR 15 AND A HALF HOURS IN ONE DAY IF THEY HAVE THE HOUR AND A HALF SPLIT IN BETWEEN THEIR SHIFT.

AND THEN THERE IS THIS FROM THE DOT: May the driver of a property-carrying vehicle be on duty for more than 14 hours? Yes. A driver can continue to work beyond the end of the 14th hour of the day, but may not drive a commercial motor vehicle (unless using one of the 16-hour exceptions). The additional on-duty time will reduce on-duty time available under the 60/70-hour time limit.

Where have you been the last 5 or so years when us drivers have been put through the same thing? We file but they just pay it out and we work endlessly.


Well-Known Member
There are Fedex ground guys doing it for $15 bucks and hour with crappy healthcare and no pension. There will be no shortage of UPS part timers applying for that 22.4 job at $30 dollars an hour, $12 dollars an hour to pension and accruing full time progression.

This is all true but it doesn't make it right.


Never bought my own handtruck
There are plenty of jobs out there where you hardly see you’re family. You either quit, don’t apply for the job, get educated and get a proffesion in that field or just be a man and work hard to provide for your family in the hopes your offspring will fare better than you.

The other thing people in this situation used to do, was get organized, and pay a union to protect them from this. But that was back in the day. Things are different now. Being a man and working hard can happen for forty hours too, just an fyi. Another way to be a man is to be home and help raise your children.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
After no full timer wants it.
There is and will be no part time feeder drivers. They are seasonal (to replace outside casuals) full time feeder drivers that work during the free period that will get full time benifits, pay and full pension credits.


Well-Known Member
There is and will be no part time feeder drivers. They are seasonal (to replace outside casuals) full time feeder drivers that work during the free period that will get full time benifits, pay and full pension credits.
Ours are cover feeder drivers. If the list goes down to a part timer, they work their part time job secondary to covering a feeder run. They are a permanent feeder cover drivers here. Probably start progression, etc.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Ours are cover feeder drivers. If the list goes down to a part timer, they work their part time job secondary to covering a feeder run. They are a permanent feeder cover drivers here. Probably start progression, etc.
What ever happened to "no PT will operate Feeder equipment" in the contract.


Well-Known Member
What ever happened to "no PT will operate Feeder equipment" in the contract.
If all full timers pass on a feeder bid it goes to a part timer. What don’t you understand? They are now a full time feeder cover driver. When no coverage is needed they work their old job, just as a package driver would do.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
Ours are cover feeder drivers. If the list goes down to a part timer, they work their part time job secondary to covering a feeder run. They are a permanent feeder cover drivers here. Probably start progression, etc.
Ours will work off the progression as well. But once they go into feeder cover, they will remain there throughout the free period. So for a half year the are full time feeder, other half is part time.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
If all full timers pass on a feeder bid it goes to a part timer. What don’t you understand? They are now a full time feeder cover driver. When no coverage is needed they work their old job, just as a package driver would do.
Not in my Local. Must have 1 year safe driving in the FT package car classification.


Well-Known Member
Ours will work off the progression as well. But once they go into feeder cover, they will remain there throughout the free period. So for a half year the are full time feeder, other half is part time.
Same rules apply to the part timer as would a full timer if they accepted the bid


Well-Known Member
Not here. PTers aren't even signing the PT to FT intent sheet. They won't sign up for a job that has OT protections at $35+ per hour, why would they sign up for a job without protections at a significantly lower rate?
Hiring spree at your building.