Hawfuh Sux
Old Guard Assassin!
It was that piece of contract UPS rammed up hall !
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I bet they don't make book and get bounced. Typical UPS BS.what happened to the replacement drivers?
All those questions were valid. Were the hell were they. I am sure they continued to collect the dues from 804 while this was going on. Least they could do was get off their and get involved.Where are all those Hoffa/Hall haters saying "Why isn't the IBT saying anything???!!??" "Why's Hoffa not out speaking up for the members?!!??!"
I hope you guys remember what has transpired and who's name's are on that agreement to make sure 250 families don't go starving.
I guess pressure from NYC over their contract with the company as well as the elimination of reduced fines along with pressure from customers and the bad PR they were getting on social media caused the company to re-think their stance.
Congrats guys hey btw anyone heard from upstate?
Ohhh no. You got me. Not much I can say after that. Liam, Liem, I guess it really doesn't matter now does it?Who's Liem?
Where was Tim, TDU, Sandy and Paff? Ohhh, Labor Notes convention? Lmao!!! Great job.All those questions were valid. Were the hell were they. I am sure they continued to collect the dues from 804 while this was going on. Least they could do was get off their and get involved.
Maybe you are just a Hoffa butt kisser. From your post, I would say that is the case.
Two of your choices ( the top two) in the next election to steer the teamsters into the future were involved in the resolution. I cannot help but wonder how Fred,Sandy,and the boys would have handled this ?
I'm right here.
I like the way this conflict was resolved. The company was made whole and the drivers get their jobs back. Two weeks unpaid should be a strong enough deterrent to keep other locals from doing the same in the future.
The first 2 sentences are a contradiction. "Legal strike" and the states "not properly followed". The reporters don't research or even read their own words.
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Thank you hall and Sean O'Brien for getting our drivers back.
Sent using the conscience of Local 251
Maybe you should leave the "brutal empire". We won't miss you. But you have no guts to go somewhere else. What was the New York Post's headline about Al sharptone? You BIG P#SSY!Great news. It's awesome to know that there's still hard core union towns like NY that can get the community involved and expose UPS for the mistreatment of its employees. Only if the IBT would have used that leverage to get us a better contract?
Good job brothers and sisters of 804 for standing up to this brutal empire a.k.a. UPS!
Where are all those Hoffa/Hall haters saying "Why isn't the IBT saying anything???!!??" "Why's Hoffa not out speaking up for the members?!!??!"
I hope you guys remember what has transpired and who's name's are on that agreement to make sure 250 families don't go starving.
The whole problem in a nutshell is he didn't file with the NRLB but led the troops out without the IBT sanctioning the strike .To what end ? Political motivation ? I wasn't there and all the reading on these forms with differant opinions do not make it any more clear. So in the end who benefited from Liam's actions ? 250 drivers who came dangerousley close to loosing their jobs and local that could possibly go broke and be in trusteeship ?If ups violated either Reyes Weingarten rights or the contract in regard to dispute resolution, then this is not an acceptable resolution.
why should anyone receive a suspension?
Reyes or any other driver has the right to file a comlaint to the NLRB regardless of the ups teamster resolution. Liam could and shouldfile with the nlrb if and only if ups was in violation.