251 United Action Slate


You know me...
Wasn't there a dude that just got his job back for sleeping for half his double shift?

I heard this story when we campaigned there the night before last. Yes, KR got the guy his job back. They caught him 5 days in a row sleeping for 6 hours per day. Turns out, he's KR's drinking buddy. Single, no kids, lives with mommy still. Kid is a piece of trash. Chalk one up for the drinking buddy. Way to go.

Now here's a story you didn't hear. The SAME EXACT DAY that KR got this kid his job back, a single mother of 3 who had never received disciplinary action in her 8 year career was fired for a nurses mistake. The nurse took down the wrong patient information, gave it to this girl to register the patient, and guess who management fired? The Girl that registered the patient. Why? Good Question. Here's the reality of the situation:

It turns out that the Nurses over there at RIH are part of a different union called UNAP. Now UNAP goes to bat for its members and is a pain in HR's ass. So instead of going after the nurse, they decided to take the easy route and fire the teamster. On top of that, the ABA at RIH, LR, Told the girl to resign or else the hospital would contest her unemployment. She took the unions advice and signed away every right she had to the wrongful termination that she was blindsided with. I spoke with this girls sister who still works there, and she said that when the girl went into the disciplinary meeting, 6 members of HR and her ABA were already in the room. The ABA never met with the poor girl before hand, never spoke to her on the phone, NOTHING. When this poor girl walked into the meeting, her ABA said to her, in front of all the HR Reps "Hi. I'm L***A R*********O, I'm here to represent you, BUT I CAN'T HELP YOU."

Without even talking to the girl. THIS is what happens to the 1950 people that aren't KR's personal friends at that hospital. You say that "These people don't understand what working conditions are like elsewhere". That is quite possibly the most ignorant thing I have heard you say yet. I was there. I met these people. MOST of them are foreign immigrants that used to work in a sweatshop for a fascist dictator doing a job you wouldn't last a week at for pennies. Don't understand working conditions elsewhere? That's not the problem at RIH. The problem is they know what is fair, and what isn't. They See a guy getting hired off the streets and being placed into the $30.00 per hour premium job that they have waited to become available for 30 years. They see the memorandums of understanding that Kevin Signs with his buddy LS from HR. They see the bullshiznit that is KR's boys club. They see KR for exactly what he is. Don't believe me? GO DOWN THERE AND TALK TO THE PEOPLE. DO it. Stop taking KR's talking points as fact. You honestly think 90% of that hospital wants change when they are getting treated as fairly as you say? What sense does that make. You're not a stupid guy, use your head.

Here's a question for you. How did KR manage to lose 500 jobs at that hospital with a "No layoff" clause in the contract? Roll that one over a few times before you buy what that used car salesman is selling you.


Well-Known Member
That doesn't seem like a KR issue. That seems like an ABA issue. Is their more to the story that just taking the nurses word for a mistake? I assure you that the man who was sleeping was not a buddy of KR. Not from what I heard.


You know me...
That doesn't seem like a KR issue. That seems like an ABA issue. Is their more to the story that just taking the nurses word for a mistake? I assure you that the man who was sleeping was not a buddy of KR. Not from what I heard.
Rumor has it, KR's exact words were "They aren't firing you, I need your vote"...

And I spoke with some of the girls co-workers. It is common practice to reprimand teamsters for the nurses mistakes. One woman, 60 years old, had 40 years unblemished siad she is on a last chance agreement for the exact same reason. According to her, KR told her "You ******ed up, just sign the friend*ing thing" When she fought for her contractual rights to progressive discipline and Just cause. Oh...the HORROR stories I heard that night my friend. I could not believe my ears. KR has been running that place like Tammany Hall in the 1800's. Go ahead, go down there on your own and randomly ask any teamster how he/she feels about the union. It'll open your eyes, brother.


Well-Known Member
That woman is full of it. K has never spoken to a member like that, ever. That woman is either lying or your embellishing. I don't believe it for a second. Sorry. Sometimes people want to be heard. I'll be rapping with a few hospital peeps tomorrow.
Are either of these women still active?


Well-Known Member
Lmfao..."90 % of that hospital wants change". hysterical. That would be 2250 people? Bro, if we could get 2250 interested in anything in the local it wouls be a miricle.


Well-Known Member
He means 90% of UA251 supporters want change. So I say about, 40 people.
Remember, 15% of the time TDU is correct 1% of the time.


You know me...
Lmfao..."90 % of that hospital wants change". hysterical. That would be 2250 people? Bro, if we could get 2250 interested in anything in the local it wouls be a miricle.

You are living in the past. You don't even know the facts about your own barn. The hospital HAD 2,500 teamsters in 2009. They're down to just over 2,000. Kevin managed to lose 500 jobs there in 4 years. That's 125 people per year getting canned at that hospital.... But hey! He got them a "No layoff" clause and a 5% of minimum wage increase. Plus, those cry babies are lucky they even have a job.


You know me...
That woman is full of it. K has never spoken to a member like that, ever. That woman is either lying or your embellishing. I don't believe it for a second. Sorry. Sometimes people want to be heard. I'll be rapping with a few hospital peeps tomorrow.
Are either of these women still active?

Would you like her number? I gave her sister my number that night we were out there campaigning and told her to pass it along to her sister. I figured if she didnt call, it was BS. Guess what stink? Talked to her for over an hour, heard more horror stories. She broke down, started crying, told me about how hard it has been for her and her three kids since her husband, their father passed away back in 2010. She told me about how she has spent just about every day since her wrongful termination at the unemployment office putting in dozens of resume's. Busting her ass at 5am, waiting for the city bus because she can't afford to put gas in her car, and looking for help wanted signs around her neighborhood. Next she told me about how she had to swallow her pride a couple days ago because she is still waiting for her first unemployment check to come in the mail, and go down to the food bank because she had nothing to feed her children. She told me that she might have to suck up her pride and apply for food stamps to make sure her children are able to eat.

All because a nurse wrote a name down wrong. And when she called her BA, and told him about the situation, she was told "Call Linda, I'm busy". Busy getting a waste of human flesh that was sleeping an average of 6 hours per shift his job back because "He needs his vote"

Would you like her number Stink? I'd have to OK it with her first of course. Or maybe you can give me your number and she can call you and tell you all about it. That way you can tell her she's "Full of it" yourself. And then you can try sleeping at night.

Now imagine that each of the 500 people that were fired in the last 4 years at RIH have a similar story. Imagine all 500 of those people had friends that work at RIH, and they know their story. Imagine the people that know their story have the power of speech, and they tell other people...

Your boys are reaping what they have sown. But have fun with your free beer and food tonight. But remember, NOTHING is free, Stinky. Someone, somewhere along the lines, has to pay for it.


You know me...
He means 90% of UA251 supporters want change. So I say about, 40 people.
Remember, 15% of the time TDU is correct 1% of the time.

40 people? Remember you said that. See you at Nominations. I'll be the guy in the Majority, just like the bylaws.


Well-Known Member
Oh the true shall set you free!!!

1. I would love that woman's number.
2. After today, now I know she is full of a big bag a crap.
3. She was lying to you.
4. Hundreds!! poured in to the event. Yes even hospital people (pictures will be posted).
5. There was no corn hole tournament.
6. Sean O. didn't have nice things to say about the UA Slate (video of truth to follow).
7. Someone on your slate needs to learn how to treat a lady. That will be addressed personally. That is a personal disgust in my eyes. Yes, it will be addressed!
8. People shared their stories of how the current slate helped them.
9. I was actually surprised to see how many part timers were there.
10. Calm down UA251, now is not the time for fear. That comes later.


You know me...
Oh the true shall set you free!!!

1. I would love that woman's number.
2. After today, now I know she is full of a big bag a crap.
3. She was lying to you.
4. Hundreds!! poured in to the event. Yes even hospital people (pictures will be posted).
5. There was no corn hole tournament.
6. Sean O. didn't have nice things to say about the UA Slate (video of truth to follow).
7. Someone on your slate needs to learn how to treat a lady. That will be addressed personally. That is a personal disgust in my eyes. Yes, it will be addressed!
8. People shared their stories of how the current slate helped them.
9. I was actually surprised to see how many part timers were there.
10. Calm down UA251, now is not the time for fear. That comes later.

1. I will ask her if its cool.
2. I have a bridge for sale. Cheap.
3. He is lying to you.
4. So, you were able to draw a hundred people with Free beer? And this is an accomplishment?
5. I bet there was plenty of corn holeing, you just were in the wrong bathroom stall.
6. So the paid guest speaker at the event spoke poorly of the opposition? And you were expecting....what else exactly?
7. I think the guy on the membership slate that passed his own wife and her entire family publicly on Facebook after drinking an admitted 16 Heineikens should be the one to break THAT story. Can't wait for this to get personal. (pssssst...BAD move brother!)
8. Lets trade. I offer you 50 stories about how they screwed people for every 1 story of how they helped people. (by the way, was sleeping beauty there? Did you get to meet that fine specimen of DNA gone wrong?)
9. So...you give away free beer, all you can drink, with no cover charge...AND free food, and honestly believe everyone there supports you? That's kinda like believing the stripper you paid to dance on your lap actually likes you...
10. Yes. Fear is the word. You just admitted to me that you were able to draw as many people to an event as the UA slate. Only difference is, the people that came to the UA slate paid money to support them. Annnnd...you gave away free beer. And food. I can't stop shaking Stick. Please hold me.

I think its safe to say that you are officially delusional...

smells like godzilla

Well-Known Member
Oh the true shall set you free!!!

1. I would love that woman's number.
2. After today, now I know she is full of a big bag a crap.
3. She was lying to you.
4. Hundreds!! poured in to the event. Yes even hospital people (pictures will be posted).
5. There was no corn hole tournament.
6. Sean O. didn't have nice things to say about the UA Slate (video of truth to follow).
7. Someone on your slate needs to learn how to treat a lady. That will be addressed personally. That is a personal disgust in my eyes. Yes, it will be addressed!
8. People shared their stories of how the current slate helped them.
9. I was actually surprised to see how many part timers were there.
10. Calm down UA251, now is not the time for fear. That comes later.

Sean is a great fighter for the members. I'd like to see what he had to say. 50+ hours in the seat on the clock every week (plus lunch and commute time) means that weekends are for the family. Sorry I couldn't make it out but I would like to know what the candidates have to say about this election. I noticed the challengers' website listed, but are there other websites I can take a look at? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Sean is a great fighter for the members. I'd like to see what he had to say. 50+ hours in the seat on the clock every week (plus lunch and commute time) means that weekends are for the family. Sorry I couldn't make it out but I would like to know what the candidates have to say about this election. I noticed the challengers' website listed, but are there other websites I can take a look at? Thanks.

I'm gonna call Sean tomorrow. I'll ask his permission to post a YouTube.
Sean is a great fighter for the members. I'd like to see what he had to say. 50+ hours in the seat on the clock every week (plus lunch and commute time) means that weekends are for the family. Sorry I couldn't make it out but I would like to know what the candidates have to say about this election. I noticed the challengers' website listed, but are there other websites I can take a look at? Thanks.

I have been lurking at this thread since it started, but after this, I had to register so I could agree with this brother. The guys from the UA slate came by New Penn a couple of days ago and were campaining, and talking to the members. I read their flyers, checked out their website that was posted in this thread. I have to say, they have some good ideas. This local hasn't been too kind to us over at New Penn, and while I agree it is time for a change, I want to make sure the change is for the better. As of right now I am leaning toward the UA slate, but if there's one man out there that can change my mind, it is Sean. I have tremendous respect for that man and I am very curious to hear what he has to say. Please keep us updated on that video, Stink219. Thank you.
Also, I am curious about the member of the ua slate that doesnot no how to treat a lady. I have verry little tolreance for that, but i cant believe it without proof. I am sure you understand


Well-Known Member
The video of Sean will be up later tonight. He gave me full go ahead. The story of the lady being mistreated was a situation at a public place. Apparently this woman paid her cover charge and sat down. It was apparently at a place where the UA251 was having an event. She was approached and asked to leave by one person. She refused because she paid and asked to stay. She was then surrounded by 8 men (if you call them that). One of them threw her money back at her. The other called her a "Union Whore". Despicable.


You know me...
The video of Sean will be up later tonight. He gave me full go ahead. The story of the lady being mistreated was a situation at a public place. Apparently this woman paid her cover charge and sat down. It was apparently at a place where the UA251 was having an event. She was approached and asked to leave by one person. She refused because she paid and asked to stay. She was then surrounded by 8 men (if you call them that). One of them threw her money back at her. The other called her a "Union Whore". Despicable.

Yeah. I was at that event. That is NOT how it happened and there were over a hundred people there that will testify to that outright lie in a slander lawsuit. If you are smart, you will tell your boys to be extremely careful with that accusation.


You know me...
I have been lurking at this thread since it started, but after this, I had to register so I could agree with this brother. The guys from the UA slate came by New Penn a couple of days ago and were campaining, and talking to the members. I read their flyers, checked out their website that was posted in this thread. I have to say, they have some good ideas. This local hasn't been too kind to us over at New Penn, and while I agree it is time for a change, I want to make sure the change is for the better. As of right now I am leaning toward the UA slate, but if there's one man out there that can change my mind, it is Sean. I have tremendous respect for that man and I am very curious to hear what he has to say. Please keep us updated on that video, Stink219. Thank you.

You are leaning the right way brother. Any attempt by them to persuade you otherwise is a desperate attempt by them to keep their close to 200k per year no-show no-work jobs. You say they haven't been kind to the guys over at New Penn? I only have one question to ask you. After 12 years, of that treatment, do you honestly expect anything to change??