251 United Action Slate


Well-Known Member
Sean is a great fighter for the members. I'd like to see what he had to say. 50+ hours in the seat on the clock every week (plus lunch and commute time) means that weekends are for the family. Sorry I couldn't make it out but I would like to know what the candidates have to say about this election. I noticed the challengers' website listed, but are there other websites I can take a look at? Thanks.

I'd start here:

Now compare the experience of other slate to our current leaders. No question I'm for the Membership Slate.


Well-Known Member
The video of Sean will be up later tonight. He gave me full go ahead. The story of the lady being mistreated was a situation at a public place. Apparently this woman paid her cover charge and sat down. It was apparently at a place where the UA251 was having an event. She was approached and asked to leave by one person. She refused because she paid and asked to stay. She was then surrounded by 8 men (if you call them that). One of them threw her money back at her. The other called her a "Union Whore". Despicable.

Wow. I don't care what the political situation in the local is, that is totally uncalled for. The "other man" needs to have this "addressed".
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Well-Known Member
Slander? Sounds funny coming from the pros. Weren't they gonna call the police on this lady?

Btw, did the woman from the hospital tell you it was actually her 5th screw up? Did she tell you she had meeting with the liaison and the ABA (that she says she never met)? Did she tell you that she didn't verify the nurse's notes like they are trained to do 5 times? Come on man, you know there are 3 sides to every story.


Well-Known Member
He is president of local 25. He is a big supporter of ours and we of his. He will eventually be the International President of the Teamsters.


You know me...
Actually, She told me it was her second. So did her sister, about 5 co-workers, and one guy even chimed in with "I never liked her, but what they did to her was just plain wrong"

But you go ahead and believe your soon to be unemployed used car salesman that has been posing as a business agent.


You know me...
Slander? Sounds funny coming from the pros.

You had accused me of slander (Libel) earlier in this thread, and I made you look like a fool when I provided you with proof. Where is the proof, Stink? You have the word of a crazy woman. That is not proof in any court of law or court of public opinion for that matter. But I'd love to see it backfire on you guys. Good luck with that.


Well-Known Member
Actually, She told me it was her second. So did her sister, about 5 co-workers, and one guy even chimed in with "I never liked her, but what they did to her was just plain wrong"

But you go ahead and believe your soon to be unemployed used car salesman that has been posing as a business agent.

This story was floating around the hospital for awhile. This particular version, from what I've heard is not accurate. its my understanding that she had made this error several times, was represented in HR several times, and basically ran out of progressive disipline steps.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
If you guys are interested in what Teamster Vice President Sean O has to say about our local election, check this out!!

Check out this video on YouTube:
What a performance. Did he practice that speech in front of a mirror?
He justs wants his buddies re-elected, period, end of story.
He knows the OG has become fat and lazy.
I would like to find out more on this VP. On his bio all it says in a 4th gereration teamster, and a member since 1990. Where did he work? How long did he work before he ran for office. Is this another "got elected because of daddy's name" type like Hoffa Jr. Because we know how long Hoffa held down a teamster job before he ran for GP, don't we.
If you guys are interested in what Teamster Vice President Sean O has to say about our local election, check this out!!

Check out this video on YouTube:

Teamster Vice President Sean O'Brien speaks about Local 251 election. - YouTube

That is not what I wanted to see. Just dirt throwing. I wanted to hear about ideas, how things will change. I already knew that Sean hated TDU. I wsas hoping for spacifics not name calling.

This video actually made me lose some respect for Sean. I cant believe he handled him self like that. Are you sure he gave you permision to post this?


Well-Known Member
That is not what I wanted to see. Just dirt throwing. I wanted to hear about ideas, how things will change. I already knew that Sean hated TDU. I wsas hoping for spacifics not name calling.

This video actually made me lose some respect for Sean. I cant believe he handled him self like that. Are you sure he gave you permision to post this?

Instead of ignoring the Membership meeting, maybe you should have stopped by. I spent some time talking with Sean directly. I learned a lot. Yes, I have 100% permission. I'm not a UA member. We ask first.


Well-Known Member
What a performance. Did he practice that speech in front of a mirror?
He justs wants his buddies re-elected, period, end of story.
He knows the OG has become fat and lazy.
I would like to find out more on this VP. On his bio all it says in a 4th gereration teamster, and a member since 1990. Where did he work? How long did he work before he ran for office. Is this another "got elected because of daddy's name" type like Hoffa Jr. Because we know how long Hoffa held down a teamster job before he ran for GP, don't we.

This is the guy that generated more votes in the eastern region for VP than Sandy P did in the whole country. Carful, he will be your IBT President someday.