251 United Action Slate

Instead of ignoring the Membership meeting, maybe you should have stopped by. I spent some time talking with Sean directly. I learned a lot. Yes, I have 100% permission. I'm not a UA member. We ask first.

My son came home from 3 consecutive tours in Afghanistan last Thursday. Sorry friend. I was a little busy last weekend. Will he be back?


Well-Known Member
The UA 251 slate is starting to turn a lot of people off around here. word is that a lot of people were lied to and drawn into some election vote at the union office in Providence only to find out it was some self serving TDU sponsored vote to change the internal laws of the local? Why lie, just tell us why you want us to go there. Secondly, they've been haunting people at the exits of the main buildings and really talking a lot of slanderous crap about union officials, officials families, personal stuff about their wifes/ex wives etc. NOT cool. Can't speak for everyone..but personally I don't want to hear that stuff, AND its a classless move.
The Sean O video...wow. I would not have expected a person who is the vp of the entire teamsters (is that accurate?) to be so involved in something here in little old RI. Looks like a hands on guy.


You know me...
The UA 251 slate is starting to turn a lot of people off around here. word is that a lot of people were lied to and drawn into some election vote at the union office in Providence only to find out it was some self serving TDU sponsored vote to change the internal laws of the local? Why lie, just tell us why you want us to go there. Secondly, they've been haunting people at the exits of the main buildings and really talking a lot of slanderous crap about union officials, officials families, personal stuff about their wifes/ex wives etc. NOT cool. Can't speak for everyone..but personally I don't want to hear that stuff, AND its a classless move.
The Sean O video...wow. I would not have expected a person who is the vp of the entire teamsters (is that accurate?) to be so involved in something here in little old RI. Looks like a hands on guy.

Wow. Where do you get this crap from? The bylaws change language was on each petition. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. And campaigning is classless...but the international VP threatening violence to the membership is acceptable? Lol. Ok there AS. I know exactly who you are now. I'm actually impressed. I didn't think you had the aptitude to figure out a keyboard. Is KR coaching you?


You know me...
This story was floating around the hospital for awhile. This particular version, from what I've heard is not accurate. its my understanding that she had made this error several times, was represented in HR several times, and basically ran out of progressive disipline steps.

So her co-workers, (That means they work WITH her, doing the same job) Are wrong, and the version you heard from a source you have not named is accurate? Excuse me if I don't buy whatever it is you're trying to sell there buddy.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Neither. Because he is an effective representative.

He hates TDU. Look at the video you posted. All it shows is hate on TDU and love for the OG. And look at what post I am replying to Stink. Your post is opposite to what is on that video.


Well-Known Member
So her co-workers, (That means they work WITH her, doing the same job) Are wrong, and the version you heard from a source you have not named is accurate? Excuse me if I don't buy whatever it is you're trying to sell there buddy.

Still waiting on the number. And yes, her coworkers are wrong. The woman was saving face. It was her 5th, ya know what. No worries. Her discipline was documented.

Question for the UA slate, you talk about 250k reduction in salaries, can you post what each will be making? Just curious.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
If you guys are interested in what Teamster Vice President Sean O has to say about our local election, check this out!!

Check out this video on YouTube:

Teamster Vice President Sean O'Brien speaks about Local 251 election. - YouTube

Where does Sean talk about all the great things the Executive Board has done in the last 3 years? Where did Sean talk about all the great things the local 251 Executive Board has done for the Union in the last 3 years?
Maybe the only reason Sean is backing the local 251 Executive Board is because if he doesn't people friendly to TDU takes over this local.


Well-Known Member
Wow. Where do you get this crap from? The bylaws change language was on each petition. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. And campaigning is classless...but the international VP threatening violence to the membership is acceptable? Lol. Ok there AS. I know exactly who you are now. I'm actually impressed. I didn't think you had the aptitude to figure out a keyboard. Is KR coaching you?

First...campaigning is not classless, no. slandering people and airing out the dirty laundry about them and their families? yes, classless. not to mention desperate. as far as the video, I just watched it again. I did not see any threats of violence.


Well-Known Member
First...campaigning is not classless, no. slandering people and airing out the dirty laundry about them and their families? yes, classless. not to mention desperate. as far as the video, I just watched it again. I did not see any threats of violence.

It's because they are reaching. They pull one thing out and run to Fantasy Island with it. And this is why people hate TDU. And I agree, if you want to run, debate your case and leave personal attacks out. But for some reason, a few UA people love to make things personal. They can't help it. It's a compulsion.


Well-Known Member
He hates TDU. Look at the video you posted. All it shows is hate on TDU and love for the OG. And look at what post I am replying to Stink. Your post is opposite to what is on that video.

Look, I'm sorry your crack pot wannabe IBT prez Sandy lost. She was swallowed by the last election. She will be ok. She still has the 1.7 million. As for Sean, you don't get it. This is a trend with you. Selective ignorance?


You know me...
Where does Sean talk about all the great things the Executive Board has done in the last 3 years? Where did Sean talk about all the great things the local 251 Executive Board has done for the Union in the last 3 years?
Maybe the only reason Sean is backing the local 251 Executive Board is because if he doesn't people friendly to TDU takes over this local.

He doesn't talk about their accomplishments because there ARE NONE. Not 1 successful organizing drive in 12 years. The ONLY improvement in local 251 has been officer salaries and benefits. These do-nothings are finished. And every member of local 251 should kick em in the arse on the way out.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Look, I'm sorry your crack pot wannabe IBT prez Sandy lost. She was swallowed by the last election. She will be ok. She still has the 1.7 million. As for Sean, you don't get it. This is a trend with you. Selective ignorance?
That's old news. The past. It's over. Let's talk about the future here for a second. Sean sure didn't. All that hate in one little man. Probably elected on daddy's name like Hoffa Jr.


Well-Known Member
Another RI Action Slate rumor gone sour. just opened my check, sure enough...5% raise. $1.52/hour! Anyone else getting tired of the 251 United Scare Tactics Slate? I sure am.


You know me...
Another RI Action Slate rumor gone sour. just opened my check, sure enough...5% raise. $1.52/hour! Anyone else getting tired of the 251 United Scare Tactics Slate? I sure am.

When did the UA slate say RIH was not getting their raise? I checked their website, all I found was this...

MOU 1.jpgMOU2.jpgFinal MOU.jpg

No mention of getting the 5% cut at all....where do you get this stuff from RIH 251? Please link your sources or admit you're lying. There's enough mis-information going around after 12 years of KR, lets not add to it. mmmkay?
MOU 1.jpg
Final MOU.jpg