So my ride along today went awesome as expected. My sup gave in and called for help to take work off so he could get back to the center sooner... My sup wanted to hold open doors. I told him to stop it. He wanted to help me find packages... I said nope! He wanted to help me look for stops... I said you are working sir! He said screw it file the damn grievance then... Took a handcart and started delivering stuff and instructed me to driver release... So I am to do as directed but! This penalty pay is about to be phater than a white girl at KFC. I don't think I'll be messed with for a while Hahahaha... My route is a heavy business downtown
feast and none of the sups know it at all. So adding Orion to it makes it more complicated. Especially the way it makes me do my 40 pickups. Oh! We had 2 missed businesses today! Had to take that lunch hahahaha