In the 340 methods, or not, when is the proper time to check your next 8, or 5 or 3 stops. its much harder to remember on Orion, plus you have to remember the addy and the hin. I am seriously asking, when do you look? Cant do it while driving, cant do it on the walk back to the truck, cant have any wasted time between stops, Its all on a report, and just when I ask. I guess you just stand on the porch, complete the sig, or delivery status, and study your diad there?
I guess I dont know what that is since your package may be in the 8000 section. How do you slide it forward when the shelves are packed.What about the 24 inch selection area?
What about the 24 inch selection area?
Walk like a penguin.I guess I dont know what that is since your package may be in the 8000 section. How do you slide it forward when the shelves are packed.
30 and 60 went out the door with PAS and EDD.
Our Region President informed us of this nugget in a meeting where he also says we would no longer be trained to make LEFT turns? He was a few pages back on reality. To my knowledge tho the rookies were still being trained on 30/60 after PAS/EDD.
Run scratch and the annual ride is a day off for the Supe.I have had several annual rides since going on PAS/EDD and never heard a word about 30/60.
I have had several annual rides since going on PAS/EDD and never heard a word about 30/60.
Run scratch and the annual ride is a day off for the Supe.
The best that math can do on this problem is 85% And that is the absolute best.Google "the traveling salesman problem", you will see that it is an unsolvable equation. Basically, if you have 10 stops in a town there are 1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x10 different ways to do those stops. No computer in the world can solve this problem, yet Orion is essentially trying to do just that. So UPS is throwing billions of dollars at a problem that can't be solved!?!? Yeah that sounds like them!
We heard ups will start disciplining for repeated failure to strictly follow 340 methods. So I guess now since we are human they will build cases to fire whoever they want whenever they want. You didn't bend at the knees that time, you grabbed that strap, oops you missed a handrail. Harass in the name of safety. Hope I can last 15 more years! Wish ups would realize the loads aren't perfect and we aren't robots.
It is impossible to know, let alone follow, all of the methods.
Plus, with ORION there are already some conflicting instructions/opinions on the methods. So that makes things interesting.
That's exactly what they are doing on each driver. 3 day "lock in rides". And sup has stated that every driver in center will scratch everyday or will get disciplined.
Show up for work 85% of the time.Following the 340 methods 85%, following Orion 85% and following the sup instructions 85%. Wonder what else can we do 85%?