4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man


Retired 23 years
The sun is going down. Time for all the crazies to come out again. I hope the National Guard is using more than just rubber bullets. Round 2 -here we go.


Well-Known Member
What part of I disagree did you not understand?
The part where you said I needed to grow up, etc. I see you arguing all the time with those you disagree with. I guess we're supposed to be on the same team and put up a united front against "them". Problem is we're all Americans and should expect and demand better from those in power, not look the other way because the victim was one of "them". Minneapolis has had police problems for a long time and their mayor won on promising to reform the police. Apparently failing.


Retired 23 years


Well-Known Member
Typical maga coward.


Well-Known Member
The part where you said I needed to grow up, etc. I see you arguing all the time with those you disagree with. I guess we're supposed to be on the same team and put up a united front against "them". Problem is we're all Americans and should expect and demand better from those in power, not look the other way because the victim was one of "them". Minneapolis has had police problems for a long time and their mayor won on promising to reform the police. Apparently failing.

good god is there no end to this nonsense


Never bought my own handtruck

The ever elusive white looter. Notice the mask and social distancing even while rioting. Absolute democrat. All that’s missing is a piping hot Starbucks.