Birthdays are celebrated on the BIRTHDAY. Christmas is always on Dec 25th! Of course you can shoot holes in the fact that Dec 25th is an arbitrary day but it has been many centuries now. And to really throw salt into the wound, how about September 11th, eventually that may become a National Holiday. Should we celebrate that on a day other than 9-11?
Of course we could celebrate Easter on a Monday. After all it is about getting time off right?
I do agree with you on the logistical nightmare. But honestly, at UPS EVERY holiday is a logistical nightmare especially when you are in management. This holiday and the day after Thanksgiving were the worst for me. But I realized that it was not about me and it made it more bearable.
1. The birthdays of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King JR are all Federal holidays. They are not celebrated on the actual birthday, they are celebrated on the closest Monday to that birthday in order to make a 3 day weekend. And as far as personal birthdays are concerned, it is quite normal for people to "celebrate" with family and friends on the closest convenient weekend day instead of trying to throw a party on a work night.
2. There is only a 1 in 365 chance that Jesus was actually born on December 25th, since the Gregorian calendar we currently use did not even exist at the time of His birth. His birthday was arbitrarily decided to have occured on December 25 in order to co-opt the Pagan holiday celebrations of the Winter Solstice which occurs 2-3 days prior. This is true of most Christian and other holidays.
3. Easter is celebrated on a Sunday, which is not a workday for most people hence no need for a 3 day weekend. Furthermore, Easter is not celebrated on a fixed calendar date, but rather on the first Sunday after the first full moon of Spring.
4. The 9-11 tragedy occured on a Tuesday morning, and should it ever be declared a national Federal holiday it will hardly qualify as a day of celebration worthy of a 3 day weekend. In any case, it has nothing to do with whether or not Independence day should aways be celebrated on the 4th of July.
Bottom line is this; Independence Day has, by social custom and convention, evolved into a summertime celebration that typically involves fireworks and cookouts and time spent with friends and family. Such a holiday would be infinitely more enjoyable and less logistically challenging if, like Memorial and Labor day, it occured on a 3 day weekend ever year. I propose Friday vs Monday so that those who like to stay up late and light fireworks have less of an impact upon their working neighbors.