Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Not saying you !!Imagine being critical of some poor schmuck making $17 an hour to do the most physical part of your job for you. Safety concerns, sure, light em up. If you want the help though, you take what you can get. If you're a prick that expects $40 work out of a $17 employee. Well you can shove it right up there next to your head.
I swear some boomers can be the biggest group of ego maniac sissys. They love toon the youth while ignoring the basic math that proves their hours of work earned more buying power. "Oh kids have it so easy now, minimum wage is $15! They have turn by turn navigation and they just play on their phones all day." Meanwhile my generation needs to gross 60k a year just afford to live in a studio
ing apartment.
But your generation needs a safe room
Needs to be constantly told your doing a great job
Always got a prize for showing up
Always had your mom fight your battles, a bloody nose builds character and teaches a lesson
We didn't have a vcr DVD player to see our favorite movie , we mostly had one tv in the house ,, the news came on when dad got home ,
We didn't get a choice for dinner , eat it or go to bed hungry
Your generation wants trans to play woman's sports
Can't look professional at work place
Expects a hand out and has to have the newest video game everyone
, most of your generation never had to share a room with a sibling or wear hand me downs
Most never had to wait for mom to make you a bite , you just pop something in the microwave,
And most of all , a lot of your generation ever got a good smack in your ass from your old man or mother ,, I'm not directing this on you personally , But this is how most of us boomers feel ,,,,,
Let the bashing begin !!
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