Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight...if the 705 strikes, the company loses volume, loses customers, loses reputation...which means the company won't need as many workers (ie. teamsters), which means fewer jobs, which means fewer workers paying union dues...uh am I the only one who gets this? I remember the 97 strike...I got my "strike" paycheck and they took union dues out of it...awesome idea. Best decision we ever made. FedEx took a majority of our big accounts, and what did we strike for? Because we wanted to keep the retirement fund, then a few years later we were begging for the company to take it over??? ? We passed up a $1500 signing bonus to strike for a couple of weeks, then the next contract rolls around and we are fighting for them to give us what they wanted to give us the last time but we didnt take it. I think the teamsters need to get their heads out of their collective and try to make the right decisions, not just the decisions that put money in the leaders pockets. Yea, $8.50 is a joke, but the guys across the country making the big $$$, feeder drivers, long time package drivers voted it in. They werent thinking of the new hires then, now all of a sudden you care? Please. Here's some food for thought...you dont have a "right" to work at UPS (or anywhere else for that matter)...if it sucks so bad, go to FedEx, go to DHL, go to Burger King. Last time I checked, when I walked through the guard gate, they didn't hold a gun to my head and make me come to work. How many other jobs do you walk int he door and say "I want to be able to call in 5 to 7 times a year and you not be able to do anything to me about it", "I demand this, and I demand that, etc etc" and still keep your job? Be thankful for what you have, and when you get that first strike check, and it's minus $24+ for union dues, and you take the remaining amount home to feed your kids for the week, or you call the bank and say your car payment may be a few weeks late because you want to stand outside holding a paper sign instead of working...remember you asked for this....I can't afford not to cross, can you? Oh, and the picket line is a battlefield guy...lol, dude put down the xbox controller, this isn't a movie, step back to reality. Imagine this reality...you strike, the company is forced to cut back on staffing because of volume loss, or because you treated the picket line as a battlefield, and you are at your new job a couple of months later saying to some woman "would you like that in a flat or a pump". I guess you won the battle huh, yea you taught them a lesson. Har Har Har De Har Har...
Finally, someone who "gets it". Great post. Prepare for "incoming".