hahahaha You love to make things so personal.
How much would it cost me to have your head removed from yours? Or better yet...shoved farther up inside? I know people in your building who would do it for free. lol
For the record Flynn's not my hero. The only heroes I know of died on battlefields fighting for their country. Have any friends or relatives buried at Arlington? I do. Or how about the ones who save peoples lives on a daily basis whether in a fire truck, squad car, or an ambulance. Things you know nothing about. He was the Sect/Tres. and principal officer of our local. I respected his title. They teach you to respect the rank not the person in the military. He was voted in on a white paper ballot. If you knew he was this dirty why didn't you run against him? Why didn't you spare all of us this hardship? Simple....you had no clue either. So get off your fencepost and throw your hat in the ring. We're all expecting to see your name on a ballot in 18 months running for Sect/Tres. If we don't we'll know you're just another drama queen biotch who likes to mouth off on the computer.
You have no idea who I am or what building I work out of. The fact remains "follower", things seemed ok until about three years ago and then you could see the problems.
That is the second time you would physically "try" to harm me given the chance. GROW UP and try to be a man. Cave man tactics and bullying only work for the weak and only the weak minded resort to them.
Who's to say I haven't been asked to run? Whether you'll ever believe it or not I have. More times than you'll ever know. That is a very personal decision that would affect my family. They come first. When I see wrong I speak up. You'd have to be blind to believe all was well in 710 for some time. You see Slant, I have no idea who you are and believe it or not I could care less but I figured you out forever ago. You thought you were connected. You were buddies with someone who got walked out. You thought there was a chance you'd be standing up the wall once a month during our meetings. You dreamt of becoming of part of Pat's group and now your dream is over. He was your hero, your rock star, your idol and now he is nothing more than a common thief. Where does this leave you? Looking for a new group to follow because you are a follower.