So, much for
Unity. Which is where the word
UNION originates... Most people are
selfish and self centered. If we were to all think about our union brothers and sisters both current and future we would be in a much better position to negotiate. It has been UPS's focus to
divide and
conquer. Eventually, the company's position to save costs no matter what, instead of looking to our future, will bite them in the arse.
I myself am a
part-timer by choice. I have over
12 years in this company. When I was hired I was recruited at the local community college. UPS was a good company with good pay. And a possible
future career. Even with the wait period of 5 years to become a driver, the pay was enough to keep most of us around until we got our shot at the big money.
I did give up 13 weeks of pay in the strike of 1997 so we could all benefit. There are many ways to compromise to address all the issues:
First off put an
end to
manditory overtime. This alone would create more jobs. If I could work
8.5 hours a day and not be forced to work beyond that the company wouldn't have to pay me
$20+ per hour and $30+ after 5hrs. I would go full time and still be
able to see my family. When you have to work 10+ hours a day you don't need that fifth day to pay your bills. So there is a lot of sick calls, especially on Mon & Fri.
To address the
low part-time wages the new general wage increases should be applied to the starting rate each year until the end of the contract. That would mean
in 2013 the starting rate would still be a meager $
12.50 per hour.
To address the long progression, It makes no sense to most people to wait five years to become a driver only to wait 3 more year the make top rate. That is an eternity in the business world. If you enter a trade you are generally at top rate within 5 year max. This is a big contributor to the turnaround in the company. If we
established a part-time top rate of $18 per hour with a three year progression I believe that this would be a system that would attract a better class of worker and would drastically reduce turnaround. This would mean some of the monies UPS uses to retrain countless numbers of people would now be going to loyal employees with the best interest of the company in mind.
In general when you pay better and offer the best benefits you have a larger pool of employees to draw from. Then you can weed out the bad apples and reep the fruits of your labor. That is why there is a probationary period to get rid of the bad apples.
This contract offer is a sell out by our union. It will only create a greater divide between the part-timers and the full-timers. And in the end it weakens our union with high turnover.
Trying to organize new jobs when you show a history of weakness will be difficult if not impossible. The problem with the UNION is they get more money by creating high turnover. As someone already stated the initiation fees are payed be every new union member if they stick around or not. If they truely wanted to organize new jobs they would wave all future initiation fees and fight for better contracts. Unfortunately, Our union officials are out of touch with the average worker, because they have been living off of our backs for most of their careers.
So send UPS and the fat cats at the Teamsters a message and VOTE NO.