$8.50 'till 2013? What are they thinking?

I have a question. San Fransisco minimum wage is $9.36. So does that mean UPS employess there make $9.36 or still $8.50? Isnt that illegal to pay under minimum wage?

Pretty sure you're right. Under part time wages ( Article 22, section 5, part C ), the language actually says that "The wage rates and increases provided in (a) and (b) shall be a minimum". They can pay more if minimum wage is above what they've agreed to in the contract.

If the $8.50 starting wage is as much of a problem as everyone here seems to believe, and UPS finds itself unable to find anyone willing to start at $8.50 an hour with the promise of excellent benefits and substantial raises ( should they decide to remain with the company on a long term basis) this would also allow them to raise the starting wage at any point during the contract.


Active Member
Your defense of the TDU misinformation page highlights why I keep encouraging everyone to read all sources of information and to attend their local contract reviews by more credible sources namely the people you are paying to represent you.

Misinformation? They posted the actual contract. Before the union's official site. Every claim they've made they've pointed to the language down to the article where you can read it yourself. I guess it's just misinformation because you say so? I see you think that drivel we've all gotten from both UPS and the Teamsters isn't misinformation as well. :confused:1 Heck, at least TDU wears their bias on their sleeves instead of trying to pass their propaganda off as legitimately keeping us "informed" like UPS and the Teamsters have.

Saying "inform yourself" and "make up your own mind" are such obvious statements that they don't really need to be said. Saying that in the same sentence that you trash TDU in makes it look like they are lying. Never mind if you follow your own advice you would see that the contract is every bit as bad as TDU is saying it is.


Well-Known Member
Misinformation? They posted the actual contract. Before the union's official site. Every claim they've made they've pointed to the language down to the article where you can read it yourself. I guess it's just misinformation because you say so? I see you think that drivel we've all gotten from both UPS and the Teamsters isn't misinformation as well. :confused:1 Heck, at least TDU wears their bias on their sleeves instead of trying to pass their propaganda off as legitimately keeping us "informed" like UPS and the Teamsters have.

Saying "inform yourself" and "make up your own mind" are such obvious statements that they don't really need to be said. Saying that in the same sentence that you trash TDU in makes it look like they are lying. Never mind if you follow your own advice you would see that the contract is every bit as bad as TDU is saying it is.

Tie is management, he is going to say the sky is falling if his boss tells him to!


Well-Known Member
In the 02 contract the progression raise kicked in at 90 calendar days. Has this changed in the 07 contract? It didn't look like it did to me.

My bad. 90 calendar days is correct. Then you get 50 cents a year on your first three anniversaries, 87 cents on your fourth. Bigger raises than those of us who are out of progression may end up with if they decide to "re-allocate" 35 cents of our GWIs to H&W (Article 34, Section 4). (In fact there may be no general wage increase for anyone until Feb. 1, 2009.)


Well-Known Member
Your defense of the TDU misinformation page highlights why I keep encouraging everyone to read all sources of information and to attend their local contract reviews by more credible sources namely the people you are paying to represent you.

Just like my Congressman, I PAY Hoffa to represent me, but I'm pretty sure he mostly represents himself. By Feb 1, 2013, if this contract passes, UPS will be paying $9 an hour more (plus taxes on that) on my first 8 hours a day...but the union, or the union and the company, or the company, will have retained control of up to $6.75 ($5 + 0.35 x 5) of that. And with control comes the opportunity to profit.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure you're right. Under part time wages ( Article 22, section 5, part C ), the language actually says that "The wage rates and increases provided in (a) and (b) shall be a minimum". They can pay more if minimum wage is above what they've agreed to in the contract.

If the $8.50 starting wage is as much of a problem as everyone here seems to believe, and UPS finds itself unable to find anyone willing to start at $8.50 an hour with the promise of excellent benefits and substantial raises ( should they decide to remain with the company on a long term basis) this would also allow them to raise the starting wage at any point during the contract.

That's not what they've done in the past when the supply of new hires got tight. Shuttle buses to the ghetto and bonuses for no lates and passing sort tests and the like is more their style.


Well-Known Member
The only people UPS is going to be able to hire is illegals and convicted felons. I'm already afraid to take my wallet into the hub.
well olympic king you're right. it's about cheap labor. ups will attempt to rid of all the higher wage employees & for the local union it's about the $300 initiation fees for the p.t.'ers that were voted in the local bylaws at membership meeting in march. :biting:


Well-Known Member
$8.50 'till 2013? What are they thinking?

It so happens that for some time we've had hidden cameras placed in the Ivory Tower Offices and after it was told that the $8.50 per hour would stand another 5 years we secretly taped this from inside the main auditorium where all the Ivory Tower folks had gathered to celebrate! It's obvious by the roar of the crowd they were very happy with the outcome!


Secret Squirrel and Morrocco Mole


Pink Floyd - Money

awaiting regstrtin

HA HA HA, the tight labor market maybe on us sooner than they thought. Just saw on the news, here in Mass effective today minimum wage is not $8.00 !!!

Hmmm lets see, flip burgers at the fast food joint or bust ya butt for 8.50 and benefits that the younger workers dont use or care about. I know that when I was in my early 20's it was all about the cash in my check.

I think we in trouble, although... hmm less hourlies means more OT right?? :)


Well-Known Member
yeah UPS outsourcing hourlies. lets send all packages to India to be processed then back to US again


Ground Down
Naw, no over time. they just start useing the mentally disabled, and they get a tax break for hirring them. we've got one person in are center like that now. every month they have a person come check on them to make sure there doing there job. pretty soon they'll try to train apes to unload. a vet bill surely will be cheaper then a doctor bill. oh well, at least i will be well groomed durning break.
Last edited:


Strength through joy
We cleaned out the group years ago when the changed the welfare rules. A couple still work here pt., they are currently near the top of the seniority list because no reasonable person would stay.

From the local Boston paper's want ads..............
Now Hiring Part Time Transportation Security Officers (TSO )
Boston Logan International Airport
Starting at $13.82 per hour PLUS BENEFITS
( Includes 20.97% Locality Pay )
All part-time TSO's will pay the same lower cost for federal health benefits as full time employees
United States Postal Service
Transitional Letter Carrier


Well-Known Member
We cleaned out the group years ago when the changed the welfare rules. A couple still work here pt., they are currently near the top of the seniority list because no reasonable person would stay.

From the local Boston paper's want ads..............
Now Hiring Part Time Transportation Security Officers (TSO )
Boston Logan International Airport
Starting at $13.82 per hour PLUS BENEFITS
( Includes 20.97% Locality Pay )
All part-time TSO's will pay the same lower cost for federal health benefits as full time employees
United States Postal Service
Transitional Letter Carrier

If you want to drive for USPS how long do you need to wait?


Well-Known Member
maybe someone can enlighten me on this,what i dont understand is, for P/T in the tentative agreement

To start is 8.50, then after 90 days you get bumped to 9.50 then at the one year mark they will be at $10/hr.

So how is that fair to some one that has maybe 3 years in around the time of Aug 09 making 10.50 a hour, then a new hire would start in Aug 08 and by the time Aug 09 would roll around, they would be at $10/ hr. Thats doesnt make sence to the guy that has had 3 years in and only making .50 cents more? Or am i missing something?
when was your hire date? i'll use august 2006 as hire date. august 2006 $8.50, november 2006 $9.00, august 2007 $9.50, august 2008 $9.85, february 2009 $10.20, & august 2009 $10.55. now the new contract employee august 2008, august 2008 $8.50, november 2008 $9.50, august 2009 $10.00. you make a very excellent point. well psi if that individuals hire date was august of 2006. that person was hired on the collection barganing agreement(contract) from august 1 , 2002 to july 31, 2008. but with this new contract that passed. the non-economics issues are already in effect as january 1,2008 & economics issues go into effect as of august 1, 2008. see depending what local & region you're from & along with i.b.t.(hoffa & hall) gave ups back 8 months of the current contract you were under. i had a situation where a person with 7 months less seniority ended up making the same as i was when the contract of 1993 passed. in contract negociations the negiociating committe on behalf the union should look into those situations & make necessary wage adjustments. the way this new contract was designed, it was based which members vote in their local, ibt, and even our contract agreements. unfortunately the members who are at the lower tier of the wage scale like $8.50 to $10.00 don't vote. get involved & stay informed knowledge is king & information is power


Well-Known Member
Do you get your 1 year .50 cent raise on top of the August 1st raise and Feb raises? So you get around $1.20 raise per year?


Well-Known Member
Do you get your 1 year .50 cent raise on top of the August 1st raise and Feb raises? So you get around $1.20 raise per year?
it depends on what rider your covered under? in southern california the first year is .90 cents. august 1st the first .45 cents & feb 1st next year the other .45 cents. in the state of washington they'll receive an additional $1.25 raise on top the $4.00 raise covered by the national.


maybe someone can enlighten me on this,what i dont understand is, for P/T in the tentative agreement

To start is 8.50, then after 90 days you get bumped to 9.50 then at the one year mark they will be at $10/hr.

So how is that fair to some one that has maybe 3 years in around the time of Aug 09 making 10.50 a hour, then a new hire would start in Aug 08 and by the time Aug 09 would roll around, they would be at $10/ hr. Thats doesnt make sence to the guy that has had 3 years in and only making .50 cents more? Or am i missing something?


You'll be making at least $11.20 after three years, not $10.50. And since you will most likely have moved from the "all other" pay scale to the "preloader/sorter" pay scale, you'll be making a dollar more ($12.20.)

Old Contract:
8-1-06 .... $8.50
11-1-06 .... 9.00
8-1-07 ...... 9.50

New Contract:
8-1-08 .... 10.50
2-1-09 .... 10.85
8-1-09 .... 11.20

See Article 22 - Part-time Employees, Section 5 - Wages, (a) & (b)


Do you get your 1 year .50 cent raise on top of the August 1st raise and Feb raises? So you get around $1.20 raise per year?


If you are at the 90-day rate now ($9.00), you get a 50-cent progression raise to $9.50 on your one-year anniversary under the old progression. Then on August 1, 2008 the new contract progression and general wage increases take effect. You will move from the old one-year rate of $9.50 to the new contract one-year rate of $10.00. That's a 50-cent raise. Theoretically, you are also entitled to a 35-cent general wage increase, but you won't get it since that 50-cent raise already exceeded it. [Alternatively, you could say you got the 35-cent raise, and then a partial 15-cent raise to bring you up to the $10.00 rate. Either way, you get a 50-cent raise.] Confused?

Then on February 1, 2009 you get a 35-cent raise to $10.35.

You could also get an extra dollar an hour by switching from the "all other" scale to the "preloader/sorter" scale.

See Article 22 - Part-time Employees, Section 5 - Wages, (a) & (b)